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In the water, the twins and Tuk spotted Kiri, Rotxo, and Aonung and began to swim towards them when out of nowhere, an ikran swooped down and captured Kiri. She shrieked, "Let me go!"

The twins and Tuk saw hear her yell, "No!" then looked towards the sky to see that she was being carried back to the ship, "Look!" The young beta shouted in worry as she sees her sister being abducted.

Now to the ship, the ikran had dropped Kiri onto the deck, the beta tried to get up but the ikran stepped on to her back, pinning the girl to the floor. She groaned as she tried to pry herself away from the animal.

The avatar who was riding the ikran picked Kiri up by her arms, "Let's go buttercup, get up." He said as he hoisted up the girl who thrashed in his hold.

"I'm not your buttercup, you perv." Kiri bites back as she was being dragged away.

Back in the water, Tuk turned to the twins, then back at the ship, "We've got to go back for her." She says as she started swimming away and the twins looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Tuk, wait!" Tsireya shouted as the twins swam after the girl. "Sully's stick together." The little girl says, then dives underwater with the twins behind her.


Back on the ship, many of the sky people started deploying boats as the ship was slowly.

People were surrounding Spider, one of them checked on the boy, but he shoved them off and called them a dumbass.

Unbeknownst to them, that right up above Lo'ak and Neteyam were shimmying across the beam, towards their friend.

At the edge of the ship, The twins heads emerge from the water, and they looked around if they see if any soldiers. Tuk lifts herself on the ship, ignoring the wins protest, but they followed her anyways.

The three of them kept themselves low to the ground as some avatars passed by. Once they determined it was safe to pass, they went towards where Kiri was handcuffed.

"Kiri!" Tuk whisper-yelled as she advance towards the girl, who looked at them shocked.

"Tuk! What are you doing here!" She yelled quietly as her little sister and the twins come to her.

The alpha twin hops over the railing and she and Tuk try to cut the ropes of the handcuffs.

They were too distracted to notice Quaritch coming up behind them, a look of contempt on his face. He went behind them and roughly grabbed Tuk, screamed. The twins desperately tried to get Tuk back, but Quaritch shoved Tsireya into Misheye, making them both fall into the water. Thy watched everything happened underwater. The turned and heard the sound of a familiar ilu, Lisch. Misheye called out to the animal and grabbed his braid.

Before he could mount his ilu, he sees something out the corner of his eye, a reflection on the ship, his eyes widened as he sees Neteyam and Lo'ak still on the ship. He looked down and seemed to be considering something.

Misheye then hardened his face, a striking resemblance to Ronal at the moment. He turned to his sister. "Lo'ak and Neteyam are still on the ship. I'm going to help them." He signs, Tsireya looked at her win like he was crazy, "No that is way to dangerous, I will come with you." She signed back, but Misheye wasn't having it.

"Stop, you find a way to save Tuk and Kiri. I will go alone. End of." He signed back. Tsireya gave him a conflicted look, but nodded. She hugged him tightly then let go. "You better come back to me, my Moon." She signs, then mounts Misheye's ilu and swims away.

Misheye watched his twin leave with a heavy heart. It took a moment for him to school his nerves, but he eventually did. He swam towards the ship. On his way to a ship entrance, he sees a spear imbedded in a dead Sky person. He pulled it out and resumed his way on the ship.

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