The Death of Tulkun

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The day was gloomy and depressing. The Tulkuns were circling around the ones that were floating on the waters.

Ronal, Tonowari, Jake and Neytiri were on the tsurak's. Ronal's face blanched as she got of her tsurak and quickly swam to the dead tulkun, hoping and praying to the Great Mother that it wasn't her spirit sister, but sadly life is cruel that way.

The woman let out strangled cries as she approached her spirit sister. She touched Roa on her head as she looks her over. She jumps on her spirit sister as her tears build up. "She was my spirit sister." She said aloud through her tears.

Behind her were a sullen Jake and Neytiri, the woman shed tears for her new friends loss.

"She was a composer of songs." Ronal cries out, her heart breaking, "We would sing together." She finished, then look to her side, crying more as she saw.

"She waited many breeding cycles to have this calf." She explains the Sully's "The clan was happy for her." She sobs more, her breaths laboring.

"What is this Tonowari?" She cries to her mate, "What is this?!" Tonowari hated seeing his mate in this kind of pain.

Tsireya was next to Neteyam, crying for her mother. She wiped her tears, then looked to her side and gasped as she sees another tragedy.

Tonowari and Ronal heard their daughter's gasped and turned to her. "What is it daughter?" Tonowari asked, seeing his daughters still figure. She said nothing as more tears ran down her face. She lifted a trembling finger and her parents moved their sights to where she was pointing and their eyes widened in shock and sadness. By now the whole clan knew who the dead Tulkun was, and were grieving.

A piercing scream was sound, one filled with grief and anguish that shook the clan to their core.


Misheye and Lo'ak were together, and saw the people moving towards the ocean and went with them.

As they got their, the whole clan parted for them and looked at Misheye with sad eye, which confused him. The omega saw Rainiki and went towards her.

"Rainiki what's wrong?" He asked, the woman looked at the boy with sad eyes.

"I am so sorry." She said with her cries. Misheye held a look of confusion and walked closer to the water, he gasped seeing his mother on her spirit sister who was dead, along with her calf.

He noticed the people weren't looking at Roa but at something else, he moved a little closer to see what it was. That's when he felt it. His heart break.

The omega lot a heart wrenching scream, the wind whipped and the waves moved at the lash of power. Misheye then let out sobs of anguish at the sight. Right there laid his spirit brother, lifeless.

"ELYSI!" He cries out then he called Lisch and he rode to the Tulkun. He hoped and prayed to Eywa that there was still a sliver of life left in his brother.

Lo'ak could feel his heart break. His omega was experiencing something that he could never imagine.

As the omega approached the lifeless Tulkun, he broke down. "No. No! NO!" He screamed and cried. Tsireya couldn't bear to see her Moon in pain and swam towards him.

The omega turned around to see his twin behind him. "Please, Reya." He begged, "Tell me this is just a nightmare, " He cried, "A very, very awful nightmare." Tsireya said nothing as she hugged her Moon.

The omega thrashed in her arms, and looked towards his big brother. "Ao?" The young warrior shook his head, a tear sliding down his face. The Misheye turned to Ronal, "Mother?" He asked in desperation, but the woman sobbed more at her son's heart break. The omega then turned to Tonowari, "Father please?" He just wants to tell him that this wasn't real.

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