He will live

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As soon as his words were said, everyone panicked. Tears sprang out of Tsireya's eyes as she held onto her mate. Lo'ak looked as if he his world was imploding.

"Shit!" He curses as his eyes widened, he immediately jumped into action and he, Tsireya, and Spider rushed to get him on Lisch.

"Get him on!" Spider shouts at them as Neteyam let out a pained noise, Misheye kept Lisch calm. 
"I got him." Spider said. His eyes widened at the gunshot wound on the teens back, "Holy shit." then Lo'ak got on in front, supporting Neteyam's weight. Tsireya got onto the back as she supported her mate, praying to Eywa that he makes it. Then they were off.

"Ma,Lo'ak, they have Kiri and Tuk." Misheye informed. Lo'ak was floored, his brother was on the verge of and his sister were captured, he didn't know what to do. he looked back at the ship, then looked forward again, "I can't go back." Then the hurried of with an injured Neteyam.

Tsireya looked down at Neteyam, "Your gonna be okay." She says as more tears flow down her eyes, "You have to." Neteyam looked at her with love and weirdly enough acceptance, he slowly put his other hand on her cheek and wider her tears away.

"Shh, my love," He says with a rasp, "Don't cry."


Somewhere in the water, Jake had landed on some rocks, he sees his family and Tonowari's kids in the distance. Lo'ak's head perked up as he raised his hand, "Dad! Help it's Neteyam!" He desperately calls out to his father.

"Hurry!" Tsireya cries out as she sees her mate in pain. He held his head. She sniffed loudly as she looked at Jake, as she put her and on the wound, preventing any blood from spilling more.

She can't lose him, she just can't. Her heart wouldn't allow it. Neteyam is her mate, he can't die now. She was not about to give up. With help, she quickly and gently helps her mate on the rocks.

"Watch his head." Lo'ak snapped. Jake along with the rest of the teens safely put him on the rocks. Tsireya went to his head, and put it on her lap and she caresses his hair, staring at him with sad eyes. Misheye went next to his twin and kneeled down next to her. He took her hand and looked at her.

"My Sun, he will be fine, he will live." He says, then places his forehead on hers, "Don't give up on you mate." Both twins closed their eyes and silently prayed for the boy. 

Unknown to them, Jake and Neteyam looked at them with small smiles. The twin reminded Jake of him and Tommy. Tsireya reminded Jake of himself, always full of light and energy, looking for the next big thrill and adventure. Misheye reminded him of Tommy, so calm and cool, with a smile that makes anyone's day and a shine in their eyes when learning something new. Twins that will forever be together until their final days, well until Tommy's death. Jake doesn't wish that fate on any pair of twins. Misheye and Tsireya are still young, he knows if anything were to happen to happen to one of them, the other would be in a great world of pain. He knows they aren't ready for that.

Neteyam on the other hand, looked at the twins with an accepting smile. He was grateful to know his mate was never going to be alone. He was going to die and he knew it. He was grateful to the omega, knowing he was gonna be their for his brother and mate.

The sound of an ikran knocked everyone of their thoughts. They watch as Neytiri hopped off her ikran and walked onto the scene, she froze in horror as she sees that her son was bleeding out.

"No, no, no, no.." She repeated as she walked closer to her son. She took deep breaths as she stared down at her son in disbelief. She refused to believe than her son was dying. He wasn't, right?

Tsireya cried as Neteyam let out pained gasps. She took his face in her hands, "Hey, you're gonna be okay, alright." She says then pecks his forehead. She looked at Jake and Neytiri wondering why they were just standing there. Your son is dying damn it! She looked back down and sniffled as she sees the scared look on her mates face. "You will be fine, my love."

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