𖤐 𓈒࣪ ᭡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙 ˖?! 𖦹︎ ִֶָ ࣪ ៹

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Throwing myself on the hard, cold floor was the dumbest idea I've ever made this year. My right hip hurt like a mf. Though the toughest pain lasted a few minutes ago, still the last few pain hurts angrily bad.

I got up, walking towards to the computer, so I can dance through the pain away when Hyein walked inside while crying her eyeballs out.

"Hyein-ah? What's wrong?!" I asked her worriedly and walked up to her.

Even when I'm walking my right hip hurts so bad, but I don't want anyone to see that I'm in pain, so I hide my pain. Like always.

"I-I-I can't do this! I know, I have an easy dance, a-and I shouldn't come up to you since your dance is harder than mine, but-"

"Hyein-ah, calm down. Breathe in and out, and just calm."

She wipes her tears away, taking big and deep breaths as she started to calm herself down. And then we both sat on the floor as she continued what the problem is.

"So, what is so hard?"

"There's this move, and I still can't command it, and tomorrow is our performance."

"Did you ask my brother about it?"

"Yes, I did! He even showed me multiple times, how should I dance it, and even showed me the slow version all the time. But, I still can't do this."

"Show me the part, maybe I can help you."

Hyein was literally the last person who needed a helping hand. I, who doesn't have a dance teacher and has had to learn it by myself in the last few weeks have to help the girls out. Of course, It's not a big deal, and I sincerely don't have a problem with that. But, the girls who have dance teachers coming up to me for their help. Kinda weird, but I love to help people out.

"Ahh~ the move when they go on the floor, wiggling their head like a dog?"

"Yes! It's so hard to keep the balance on it, and It stresses me so out! At first, I didn't want to come to u, because you literally helped every single one of us while you have no one. But, to be on this debuting team I had to come to you."

"And that's completely fine, Hyein-ah! You know, I like to help people out, especially when it comes to my future members. We promised ourselves that we were going to debut together, no matter what, right? So, don't worry about me! You did the right thing."

"Aww, thank you so much, 언니!! (older sis)" She said happily and hugged me tightly.

She hugged me around my waist, hurting accidentally my right hip. Since Hyein is 2 heads shorter than me, she can only hug my waist and I can only hug her from the neck.

"Ouch!" I said, and Hyein immediately pulled back, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah! I just hurt my hip when I was dancing, it's going to be okay, don't worry! Alright, let's start."

Hyein gave me a questioning look but opens the song Cat and Dog from txt. She was dancing and collecting the choreography pretty well. The dance really suits her, and you can see she has so much fun performing with it. When the part came, where she had to play like a dog, I helped her.

I went down on my knees, imitated a dog, and then did the move, which Hyein couldn't do. She followed me and struggled at first, but after the 4th try, she did it perfectly. Hyein started to scream, got up, and pushed me to the ground. She hugged me so tight, thanking me as if her life depends on it. I had to giggle, hiding the pain I'm feeling when she hugged me. She kinda hurted me, but of course, I don't want anyone to know, so I laughed through it.

"YOU DID IT! SEE? I TOLD YOU, YOU CAN DO IT! There's nothing you should ever worry about."

"That's because you helped me out! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You are the best! It's like you should be our team leader?!"

We both pulled back and got up on our feet.

"Team leader?"

"Yes! You love to help people, you're always there for each one of us even tho you're struggling on your own. You were born to be a true leader! I've gotta go now, see you later!" Hyein said to me, giving me a slight hug, and left the practice room.

Seeing her leaving happily the practice room made me realize how other people see me. I see and treat myself worst than anyone else. But hearing this completely opposite of how people think of me is a weird yet beautiful feeling. This made me realize I should change myself, I shouldn't treat myself wrong. I should treat myself like I'm a queen. You should treat yourself like you're a king or queen because every human is one.

I had to chuckle as I realized everything in life, not knowing that someone just entered the practice room.

"Uhm, Beomju-ssi? Is everything alright?"

I startled myself, immediately stopped chuckling, and looked up to see the leader of my brother team's.

"Oh, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you help Minji-ssi?"

"Yes, I did and she's finished with her task. Now, I want to help you."

"Thank you, but you can't help me. Aren't these the rules?"

"Rules are there to break the rules, you know?"

Soobin and I had to chuckle.

"You sound like my brother."

"Ah, that's because I live over the past 4+ years with him." He said and we both laugh.

"He's literally changing people.."

"He really does! So, I'm here to say something that I shouldn't have to say until tomorrow."

"Oh, what's that?"

"It was part of the plan."

"What was part of the plan?"

"That you won't have a dance teacher and that your member will come to you, saying that they can't dance a move. It was part of the plan to see if you have the ability to become a leader."

My eyes widened and my mouth went open asf.

"W-What? No way!"

"It's a typical thing here in Hybe. I went through it as well, and now I'm the leader of Tomorrow X Together. Namjoon-선배님 (senior) also came to me, as I came to you right now. He didn't want me to suffer since I started crying, went crazy and all..my heart felt so relieved that It was just part of the plan."

"Wow...I'm so in shock right now.."

"The leaders, who went through the same have to watch secretly the upcoming leader. And It was my job to watch you now, and I saw that you were in the same shoes as I went. You got hurt by your hip, you became stressed and I saw you crying. I bet you thought you were nothing but a clumsy failure."

"It's like you're reading out of my head."

"I just had to tell you this, so your heart can be at ease too. Do you feel better?"

"YES, A LOT. I thought everyone was going against me!"

"I'm happy to hear that! How's your hip?"

"To be honest, It's still hurt a bit, but I'm so relieved right now that every single in my nervous system is happy. So, I'm good!"

Soobin started to laugh his ass off, as he said, he felt the same way, back in the day.

"How about dancing to Blue Hour? I feel like dancing to it."

"Oh, yes sure!"

"Make sure not to dance roughly because of your hip, and let it check to the doc here, alright?"

"Yes, I will! Thank you for telling me this, 선배님! (senior)"

"Oh, please call me Soobin 오빠! We're leader friends, aren't we?"

"O-Oh yes! Thank you!"

"Now, let's dance!"

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