𖤐 𓈒࣪ ᭡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 ˖?! 𖦹︎ ִֶָ ࣪ ៹

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The past few weeks, we've been working nonstop. Day and night we were either practicing, filming, performing, taking livestreams, interviewing, photoshooting, or all in one.

Since we were working hard all-in-one, we finally got the time when we can rest. We only have 3 days to rest without any cameras, and it's literally what we all needed. Yes, we were exhausted, but we love to be Idols, we love the hard work and all, but Idols are also humans, and humans need to rest as well.

On our first day, the girls and I agreed on visiting our families first. On the second day, we would hang out with ourselves, with friends or whoever and on the third day it's NewJeans day.

Today is the first day, so I'll be off to my parents along with Hanni. Since her family isn't in Korea right now, she's staying with me. Having Hanni always by my side is like having a younger sister I've always wanted.

"Are you sure your parents allowed this?"

"Hanni Pham, are you serious? Of course, they did! They can't wait to meet you!"

"I'm very nervous about it, sorry..."

"Girl, don't worry! You're my sister, so meet your second parents, alright?"

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me! Let's make a great day today."

"Yes, let's make a great day!"

Hanni gave me a side hug, and I hugged her back. As we let go of each other, I asked her if we could make car selfies, since we were in the car right now. She agreed, and I raised my arm to make some selfies. We made many funny poses, and selfies until a message popped out.

"Choi Soobin 선배님 (senior)?" Hanni read it through the notification screen.

I immediately lowered my arm down, and read the message through the notification screen.

"Ouuuh~ what's going on with y'all both? So it's getting serious?"

"No, no, no...it's nothing..." I mumbled, and closed my phone.

"Hmmmmhm, but he just texted you 'Hi, how are you?' Is that really nothing?"

"Yeah, we just started to get close, that's all."

"That's all? Every time we see him at the company, and we bump into him, you always say '안녕 오빠!' (Hi, older bro) or '안녕 선배!' (Hi, senior) This is more than 'we're just getting close that's all.'" Hanni said with a chuckle, which made our manager chuckle as well.

"Yes, we're close, but only as friends. We still in the 'getting- to-know-each other' phase, but we're close, yes. Anyway..."

"Text him back!"

"Like right now?"

"No, tomorrow when you both are going to meet each other."

"Wait, what?"

"Just text him!"

I opened my phone again, went through the Kakao app, and clicked on the chat between Soobin and I.

(Choi Soobin senior)

Hi, how are you? 오전 ⁹:³⁰

오전 ⁹:⁴⁰ Hey, I'm good how about you?

I'm good, thanks! I heard today is your free day, what will you do? 오전 ⁹:⁴¹

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