𖤐 𓈒࣪ ᭡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆 ˖?! 𖦹︎ ִֶָ ࣪ ៹

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Newjeans became busy, busy and busier with their schedule.

I would never, ever thought that we're going this VIRAL that we even hit the charts in South Korea, of course, and in the US. It's like a dream that came true for all of us.

We had performances everywhere! In universities, festivals, music bank (to promote, ofc), in our first performance outside of South Korea. We performed in Japan, at KCON Japan. And now we're going to perform in award shows. The first award show we're going to perform is the golden disc award.

Me, who gets sick fast when I'm under stress or very getting busy in tight, or in rushed schedule, was the hardship in it. I was always very excited to perform everywhere we got called on, but as afterward I felt my body started to get numb after every performance.

Though, I knew how it is going to be as an Idol, especially as a rookie and especially if you debuted viral. But to get it so hard? I'm surprised. But I would rather have the "being an Idol busy schedule" than having the "school exams busy schedule." Being busy as an Idol is actually a lot of fun.

We also started to have photoshoots and interviews with well-known brands such as like: VOGUE KOREA, ELLE, etc. also we started to get ambassador of fashion brands. I was the first one to become an ambassador of Christian Dior.

The life I've always dreamed of finally came true, and got added with many wishes that I would never have thought they'll come true.

Right now, I was chilling in our living room, texting with my brother, who just checked up on me. Hanni and Danielle were going to get our food that we've ordered, Hyein, Minji and Haerin were watching TV, waiting for our food.

"I can't believe we're going to perform at the golden disc award show tomorrow!" Hyein said happily as she clapped her hands like a child.

Which she is.

"Right?! We just debuted 2 months ago, and now we're performing at award shows?! That's so crazy.." Minji agrees.

"I think we're also going to perform at MAMA, MMA, Gayo, etc." Haerin said, and we all agreed on it.

"I'm very confident about it, since we went viral ass fuck." I said as they began to chuckle.

"I'm proud of us! We really made it~ I would never have thought this going to be true." Minji said as she started to get happy tears.

"Nawwww~~ Minji-ah~~~ don't cry!" I said and let my phone on the table as I gave her a tight hug.

The other girls did the same, and we made a group hug.

"Let's slay all the stage, and become the freshest group! What do you think?"

"Of course!"


"Newjeans forever!"

"WE AGREE!!!" Danielle shouted as she came inside the living room.

Hanni and Danielle entered the living room with our dinner in their hands.

We happily gathered around the table, and sat down on the floor. Haerin got the plates, drinking glasses and drinks from the kitchen.

"The food looks like a feast! Everything is just so beautiful!" Danielle said as we all unboxed our food.

We really had a lot of food with us because we wanted to celebrate our successful win as Newjeans.

"Should we watch something?"

"Our first interview?"

"Oh my god, yeah!"

Minji immediately grabbed the remote and opened our first ever interview as Newjeans.

It was a big FAIL because I stuttered and mumbled a lot when I got questioned. I was so nervous that I barely couldn't even talk like a human being. I was so embarrassed and wanted to disappear at the moment, but, of course, my members encourage me positively, so my nervousness could disappear and not me.

My brother laughed his ass off as he saw the interview. Like an evil kid he is sometime, loves to laugh at people he also gave me some positive words and some tips to calm down the anxiety, nervousness, etc.

When Minji opened the video, we all began to eat at our food.

Watching the first 5 minutes of the video was actually not that bad until I got asked with questions.

"How did Heesoo got scouted?"

"O-Oh, well, I was vibing to..uhm..txt's debut song crown...and, I..uhm..I was dancing to it while working at our grandparent's little shop."

"How did you get recognized by the company?"

"Ah, well...two..scouting staff's were coming into the store..."

"And? Wait, are you nervous?"

"Very much.."

We all began to chuckle watching this scene again. Now it doesn't really feel embarrassing, but, for real, at that moment I was very EMBARRASSED.

"언니 (older sis), you're cute when you're nervous and shy. Like a different person." Hyein said.

The girls totally agree as I went completely in embarrassment..


Just like in our first interview, I could feel my cheeks getting warmer, which means my cheeks are getting red.

"Wait, are you embarrassed again?" Hanni said with a light chuckle and hugged me from the side.

"You are the cutest!"

"She's the real maknae!"

Minji and Danielle both said.

"True!" Haerin agreed.

"Like we said, don't let it burden you since it was our first time, you knowrr?" Danielle talked with her contagious Australian accent.

"Yeah, I know, and I already got over it, but lord, I was getting red and all..just like right now!"

"Now, we know more weaknesses of you! When you get many compliments, when you're getting shy and when you see your favorite artist standing behind you!" Hyein said out loud.

"WOW! THAT MEANS WE CAN TEASE YOU MORE!" Minji said, laughing out loud.

"Oh, you Hyein-ah, you forgot something."

"Really? What?"

"Well, actually, you forgot someone.." Hanni mumbled under her breath, grinning like an evil kid.

"WHO?!" We all said together, looking at Hanni.

"CHOI SOOBIN!" She said loud enough to destroy my drum field.

"OH MY GOD, YEAH!" Danielle said




"THAT MEANS YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?" Danielle asked me.

The girls were staring at me with their big, curious bunny eyes, that only made me laughing HARD.

"So? Do you have a crush on him?" Haerin asked again.

"I think she does, look of how her cheeks getting redder. And now we know her weaknesses..she do-"

"NO, I DON'T! We're only friends! Let's eat and watch a movie or something..."

Well, they aren't actually wrong with that, we'll see what my heart is saying :)

| 1136 Words
I kinda ship them👀👀 what do you think?

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