|𝟱|~𝗖𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗻 ∙

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Both Jack and (Y/N) grunt as they pass through the portal, roughly landing on the ground and groaning.

The bag opens slightly, (Y/N) rolling over and her head peeking out. Jack groans, his head pressed into (Y/N)'s neck.

The girl grunts, shoving the boy away, she rolls onto her stomach and looks up, her eyes widening at the sight of the last people she wanted to see.


Jack huffs, sitting up on his shoulders, he presses his face into the crook of the girls neck, groaning and hugging her as he blocks out the light with his hand.

"To briiight.." he grumbles, nuzzling his face further into the girls shoulder, causing (Y/N)'s eyes to widen like saucers at the action. Her face becomes warm at all the eyes on their figures.

Both North and Tooth chuckle at the display of affection, Sandman giggles happily, two small hearts forming above his head. Bunny stand off to the side, rolling his eyes as he scoffs at the two.

(Y/N) grumbles, quickly staggering to her feet, Jack slowly following after. The girls sighs, fixing her coat and straightening out her hood, eyeing the people around her warily.

Jack on the other hand, does a once over of the people before quickly attaching an arm around his friends waist, he pulls her close, his staff in the other hand as he presses himself against her, like a frightened child.

"Hey! There they are!" North grins, looking between the two. "Jack Frost and Horae!!"

(Y/N) rolls her eyes, scoffing at the name.
"(Y/N) (L/N).." she mumbles, North slowly nodding at the correction.

The Yeti's come up behind them, patting their shoulders and shoving them forward encouragingly. (Y/N) shoves them off, Jack shaking his head and pulling away from the beings as they face forward.

"I hope the Yeti's treated you well?" North questions, a small, teasing smile on his face.

"Oh suuree" Jack scoffs, rolling his eyes as he rolls his shoulders at the man. "We love being shoved into a sack and being tossed through a magic portal.." he scoffs, kicking his staff as he glares at North.

"Oh! Good. That was my idea," North laughs, making (Y/N) face him with a raised brow. "You two know Bunny, obviously."

"Obviously," Jack replies, Bunny not looking
up. (Y/N) smirks, her arms going behind her back as she rocks on the heels of her feet. Bunny looks up with a raised brow, wondering what was so funny.

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