|𝟭𝟰|~ 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗹 ∙

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Jack carefully carries Sophie into her small bedroom, grunting softly as the girl continues to cling onto the back of his neck, refusing to let go.

He bends down slightly, laying the girl on her small bed before prying her small hands off, snickering as she yawns loudly, her missing teeth on display.

He steps back slightly, about to leave when a loud 'thump' sounds from behind him. He turns around, cringing as Sophie lays flat against the wooden floor, continuing to snore away without a care in the world.

"Sophie? Is that you?"

Baby tooth squeaks from beside Jack, her feathers peeking up as Jack quickly rushes to throw a blanket over the small girl. He stares at her for a few seconds before grabbing a stuffed toy and tossing it next to her.

"We should get back.." he mutters with a smile, Baby Tooth smiling slightly as they exit the little girls room, excited to get back to their friends as quickly as possible.


A sudden voice fills the air, causing Jack to snap his neck in the direction it came from. It was a young girls voice, which confused the boy even more.

"Jack?" Another voice rings out, grasping the boys full attention. It was (Y/N)'s voice, he knew that much, but what was she doing out here, by herself?

He furrows his brows, looking to the distance before turning to Baby Tooth, an uneasy feeling filling his chest.

"That voice..I know that voice.." he mumbles, rushing forward and leaping into the air. Baby Tooth chitters loudly, hesitating for just a second before following after her friend.


Jack lands on a nearby roof with a grunt, looking around frantically as the small fairy finally catches up with him.

"Hello?!" He calls, breathing heavily and waiting for an answer.


His head snaps towards the woods, quickly staggering atop the roof, he flies into the air, Baby Tooth once again having to quickly follow after.


"Jack!" The young girl calls again as Jack springs into the woods, looking around for any persons. He comes across a clearing with a frozen lake. The lake was cold to the touch, not that Jack minded, but what bothered him was that in the middle of the lake, there lay..

A child's bed?

It was a small bed, broken and wood covered in mold. One touch and the bed would crumple to pieces. Underneath the bed there was a whole, running deep into the ground, to dark for anyone to see.

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