|𝟭𝟮|~𝗙𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 ∙

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The guardians all gathered around a small circle, Tooth gently setting a candle down with Sandy's figure engraved in the middle of it. North and Bunny grimace as she rises with a sniffle, reaching out and gently grabbing her hands.

North and Tooth look at each other, sighing softly as they look away. Bunny slowly takes Tooth's hand, unshed tears in his eyes as Tooth smile softly while crying. She takes North's hand, the Yetis around them mourning.

Elves slowly ring their bells, their expressions sad as they all stare at the flickering candle.


Jack sits by a window, his hood pulled up and covering most of his face, his knees pulled to his chest. (Y/N) sits just infront of him, her cloak pulled tightly against her form.

She fiddles with her fingers, now permanently colored black as she looks outside. She was constantly cold, her arms having gone numb the moment she woke up. She didn't mind though, she was to exhausted to care.

Jack sneaks a glance at his friend, his lips trembling slightly as he stares at her fingers. He clenches his fists tightly before bringing a hand up to the window and gently tapping it.

Frost begins to appear across the window, a small image of Sandy incasing it, it's little form covered in beautiful details from head to toe.

"Are you two all right?" North's voice greets softly as he approaches the two. "(Y/N)?" He questions, his voice soft as he gestures to her hands.

The girl nods, pulling her sleeves up and covering her hands quickly. "Feels numb." She mumbles, turning her face away and continuing to stare out the window. North sighs, nodding before turning to the white haired boy.

"I should have gotten there faster," Jack shakes his head, balling his fists in anger. "I should have done something."

"Done something?" North repeats, looking between the two. "Jack, you two stood up to Pitch. You two saved us!"

"But Sandy-" he starts as North sits in front of them. "Would be proud of what you did together," North speaks up, smiling softly as Jack looks up at him.

He sighs softly, removing his hood and jumping from his spot as he paces around.
(Y/N) watches him as she hugs her knees close to her, looking out the window.

"I don't know who you two were in your past lives...but in this life you are Guardians," North continues, rising and touching Jack's shoulder as he places his other hand on (Y/N)'s.

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