|𝟭𝟵|~ 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ∙

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"Okay, look.." Jamie sighs towards his stuffed rabbit, the little toys big eyes watching the boy with interest.

"You and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads. So, here's what's gonna happen."

Jack watches form outside the boys window, his hood pulled up as (Y/N) listens with her backs against the window.

"I believed in you for a long time, okay Like..my whole life in fact!" Jamie picks up the bunny as he stares at it. "So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much..just a little sign so I know..anything.."

The spirits listen carefully, waiting for something, someone, to come and help.

"I knew it." Jamie tosses the bunny on the floor, staring at his bed in sadness. (Y/N) sighs as she leans back, Jack looking down before an idea forms in his head.

He watches as frost slowly forms against the window, it's beautiful design catching (Y/N)'s attention. The girl watches as Jack draws a bunny against the window, a chubby body and small, round ears.

This catches Jamie's attention, as he watches curiously as the bunny forms out of his window, into a physical form. Jack releases the creature, (Y/N) watching with a smile as she stands near Jamie's bed, the boy giggling wildly as the bunny hops along his walls.

It forms in the center before exploding into a rain of snowflakes, all decorating the boys room before dissolving into nothing.

(Y/N) giggles happily as the wind suddenly picked up, the beautiful scent of tulips filling the air.

Jamie takes in a deep breath, his senses coming to as a snowflake lands on his nose. He wrinkles his face for a moment before gasping, his mind flashing with images of a boy with white hair, and a girl with a big red coat.

"Jack Frost and Horae.."

Both teens stop short of their small celebration before looking towards Jamie, eyes wide. The boy tunes around slowly, his mouth dropping open as he takes in the two people in his room.

"Jack Frost and Horae!" He breaths out, (Y/N) cringing slightly at the name while Jack stares at the boy with clouded eyes.

"That's right!" Jack exclaims, "But that's..that's us! Jack Frost and Horae!" He motions between eachother, an apologetic look as he turns to (Y/N).

"You said our names.." (Y/N) breaths out, looking to the boy with hope. "Can you..hear us?" She mumbles, gasping as Jamie nods slowly.

"Can you..can you see us?" Again, he nods, causing Jack and her to look to eachother with teary eyes.

"He sees us!" Jack exclaims, turning and hugging his friend close to his body. (Y/N) cries at the feeling, a wobbly smile on her face as she hugs him back tight.

✔𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙾. 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚃Where stories live. Discover now