|𝟭𝟲|~ 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗳 ∙

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"Get back here you little rat!!"

A young girl sprints through the streets of her home, her large, oversized coat slipping off her shoulders every few seconds. She grips the material, a smirk evident on her face as she continues to run away from the angry street vendor.

In her hands, she held a large loaf of bread, enough for one person. She had stolen it not to long ago and was on her way home before the vendor started pursuing her for not paying.

This wasent knew, to anybody in her small town. She had been stealing from the vendors for years. Some had grown to pity the young girl and eventually leave food out for her when it seemed necessary. While others, weren't to kind.

"Oh come ooon old man!" She yells back as she enters the center of town, a large fountain resting just in the middle. "You don't even need it!" She groans as she runs around it.

Several feet of water spray into the air as the vendor stays on the other side, his face red as he tries looking through the mist for the girl.

He huffs and smirks when the water dies down, but stops short when he realizes that she had vanished. He yells in annoyance, bringing his arms down, he slams it against the edge of the fountain, over and over again, like a child.

People watch with confusion and slight amusement as he continues his childish display before he looks to the sky in agony, his hands coming up to tangle in his unruly hair.



The small girl hums as she removes her hood from her head, her long, fluffy hair spilling out and draping over her shoulder. She wore a long, white dress shirt, with black pants that were far to big for her, hence why she kept having to pull them up.

She walks quietly through the streets, before coming to stop just outside an abandoned ally. It was big, big enough for a house, as it's long, dark halls greeted the girl with open arms. She sighs as she steps through it, no sun peeking through, which left her to cling tighter onto her coat.

Several doors lined her path, most scattered with old billboard signs of shops that had gone down throughout the years. Others were shops that were still in business, just not the best.

She spots people sitting around, either playing card games, smoking, or simply just sitting by themselves. (Y/N) greets them all with a small smile and a nod, to which they all responded happily.

They weren't bad people, they were just people who had been forgotten by the do-gooders outside of their home.

Left to rot as most were seen as 'underdogs' or 'no-good thieves'. This wasnet the life that they had wanted, but it was better than nothing.

✔𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙾. 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚃Where stories live. Discover now