|𝟭𝟯|~ 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻 ∙

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The group all scream as they slide down the tunnel at a fast pace, their hair whipping wildly due to the speed. Bunny watches his friends in amusement, his ears peeking up at the sounds of their screaming.

Jack hollers and hoots as he enjoys the rush of adrenaline, his blue eyes squinting with happiness. His laughter is cut short as a body slams into his, his wide smile falling in shock as (Y/N) wraps her arms around his waist, her face buried into his neck as they continue to slide.

The white haired boy watches his friend fondly, softly chuckling before wrapping an arm around her and continuing to scream with enjoyment.

A few seconds pass before the group finally come to an end, Bunny, Tooth and Jack having landed gracefully while the rest lay in a pile, their heads fuzzy as they try to calm their breathing down.

" 'Buckle up', is very funny."

(Y/N) lays on her back, her coat having fallen off her shoulders and clumsily draped across her arms. She breaths deep, her hair a wild mess as she shuts her eyes tightly to stop the dizziness.

"Hey there gorgeous."

She opens her eyes slightly, her lips quirking up as she sets her eyes on Jack, his figure hunched over and elbows on his knees as he observes his friend. He chuckles as she rolls her eyes at him before offering a hand, which she gratefully takes.

He pulls her up, stumbling a bit as she trips into his embrace, the height difference making it a bit hard to keep her upright. A moment passes before she stables herself, bringing a hand up, she pats Jacks head a few times with a small smile before turning to her friends.

"Welcome, to the Warren!" Bunny introduces his friends happily, gesturing around with a proud smile at his home. Large stone statues lay in the ground, egg shaped and covered in moss. The place was beautiful, that was certain, but it was quiet, very quiet.

Bunny looks around, his ears peeking up as he sniffs the air, recoiling as an unfamiliar smell invades his senses.

(Y/N) looks around, taking in her friends expression, she listens closely, her brows furrowing as she hears the fumbling of tiny feet.

"Somethings up.."

A few of Bunny's eggs run of one of the tunnels, clearly frightened by whatever was chasing them. A tiny scream could be heard from inside, growing more and more louder as the group all stare ahead.

The statues spring to life, their faces changing into scowls as they all bring their weapons out, hard glares set on their faces.

The screaming grows nearer, causing the group to suddenly charge, all except (Y/N).

✔𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙾. 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚃Where stories live. Discover now