|𝟴|~𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻 ∙

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Pitch's eyes widen as a knife swipes through the air, imbedding itself into the wall, mere center meters away from his head.

He snaps his gaze down, his face holding betrayal as (Y/N) glares daggers at the man, her arm outstretched as the guardians look to her, impressed.

Bunny yells, chucking his boomerang at the Nightmare, causing it to squeal and vanish into think air. Pitch grunts in frustration, rolling his shoulders and neck before hopping onto a nightmare and retreating.

Jack gasps before quickly following after,
(Y/N) hesitating for just a second before groaning and flying after her friend.

Pitch's brows furrowed as he looks over his shoulders, his eyes locking with (Y/N)'s before he vanished completely.

North lands with a grunt, his swords gripped tight as he looks around.

"He's gone.." he sighs in disbelief, straightening up and lowering his swords. Tooth Tooth sighs, slumping on the floor as she holds onto a discarded teeth capsules.

Baby Tooth rests on another in front of her, sadly tilting her head. "Okay, all right, I admit it. You were right about Pitch." Bunny's voice could be heard in the back, talking to North and Sandy as (Y/N) and Jack join Tooth.

"I'm sorry about the Fairies," Jack apologizes, squatting down as (Y/N) kneels, placing a comforting hand on the women's shoulder and squeezing.

"You should have seen them. They put up such a fight," Tooth proudly smiles before sighing as Baby Tooth flutters around Jack and (Y/N)'s heads.

"Why would Pitch take the teeth?" Jack questions in confusion, his brow furrowed.
"It's not the teeth he wanted," Tooth glances between the two, holding up the capsule. "It's the memories inside them.

"Memories?" (Y/N) questions, standing.

"That's why we collect the teeth.." Tooth explains as (Y/N) softly exhales as she looks down at Jack. "They hold the most important memories of childhood."

Jack rises to his feet, creating a frost path for him and (Y/N) across the pond as they follow Tooth to a beautiful wall painting.

"My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them." Tooth looks up at the painting with a fond smile. "We had everyone's here. Both of yours, too."

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