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My name is F/n L/n and I'm an assassin but right now I'm a teacher for class 3-E but my main purpose is a simple answer I'm here to kill a creature who is seen as unkillable but I never let any opponent live when in my sights but to find out how we got to this point lets go back to the beginning.

One month ago

I was walking through the streets waiting for my next job which soon arrived and it seems I had to kill some corrupt police officer who abuses female criminals both physically and mentally.

Me: "So my target is this asshole not that I care but why do you want him dead?".

Client: "Even if we are criminals we still have rights and he is refusing to give us that so will you do it".

Me: "Yeah but it'll cost you".

Client: "Any price is worth that bastard getting what he deserves".

I leave the scene and head to the location my client gave me it was a building that had a great veiw of the award ceremony in which my target was being rewarded for his work in dealing with criminal.

Me: "Lets see how should I deal with him a handgun is good enough but lets go with Betty".


I line up my sight and wait for the perfect shot as I saw him step on to the stage I take my shot and my bullet goes through his skull splattering blood all over the stage as people scream but I did my job and leave quickly but as I left the build...

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I line up my sight and wait for the perfect shot as I saw him step on to the stage I take my shot and my bullet goes through his skull splattering blood all over the stage as people scream but I did my job and leave quickly but as I left the building I make sure to blend into the crowd as they run away from the scene once far enough away I move into an alley to get my payment.

Me: "There I did the job now pay up".

Client: "Here thirty million yen in cold hard cash is that enough".

Me: "It'll do but just so you know I always make sure I have every last piece of information and it seems your wife had actually sold you out to the dirty cop who was blackmailing you".

Client: "So what it does change what he did to others right".

Me: "No it does't that's why I continued the job for justice but I don't like being used by others but you dug your own grave".

I spin round and shot the man in the head and I watched as his body fell to the ground and I was quick to leave the scene with my money as I was walking I saw a mother dressed in very revealing outfit so I approach her.

Me: "Tell me lady how much for your time?".

Random woman: "Listen kid I'm not a hooker besides your too young".

I hand her about ten thousand yen and she was shocked to see me pay so much and she gives and we start walking and we enter a hotel so we were out of public veiw I sat her on the bed and grab some whisky.

Random woman: "So what are you going to do to me?".

Me: "I want to know why a married woman is doing the job of a hooker because you have the look of someone not wanting to do this".

Random woman: "Seriously you paid for me to talk with you".

Me: "Yeah so tell me".

Random woman: "I'm doing this to help daughter she needs a heart transplant but our family just doesn't have the money and so I go out an sell my body for money but I would do this for my little girl".

Me: "What about the father?".

Random woman: "He died just after he was born".

I could see it was tough on her to go through all this not only raising a child but to also sell her body to save her child as someone who seeks justice I decide to give her all the money.

Me: "Use that for your daughter and also stop doing this type of work it doesn't suit you live your life but never throw it away".

I leave as the woman grabs the case and begins to cry but as I walked away I smiled knowing I had helped someone in need but I soon saw a man with black hair approach me.

Me: "Can I help you".

???: "F/n L/n one of the best assassins in the world I'm here from the goverment to request your help".

Me: "No way I don't help anyone unless they pay me".

???: "We are prepared to pay you but this job is special because your target is unkillable".

Me: "Sounds interesting but what do you need me for?".

???: "To help us train these kids in the art of assassination".

I looked at the files and saw this class was selected at the request of the target I didn't like the thought of kids learning how to kill but I agree for the money and the challenge and that brings me to the here and now my first day as a teacher.

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