Chapter 8

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After our little brawl me and Heather head to a local cafe where we could talk mainly about what had been done to us.

Me: "So tell me sis what did Jason do to you?".

Heather: "He actually had a friend and I use that term loosely used Jason's nanotech and the other mans genetic research to give me this body actually I found this a gift but it came with a price".

Me: "What kind of price?".

Heather: "After I got free things in my life were great at least I thought they were I actually fell in love with this really nice girl Roxy her name was and we were happy until my enhancement started to appear".

Me: "What happened to her?".

Heather: "I killed her I gave her a hug but then my enhanced strength made me crush her so I was forced to see her die in my arms after that I started to discover that all of the things that happened but most of all Jason locked my memories away so I didn't even know about you or our parents".

I could see how far Jason had gone to keep his secrets but he changed them when he worked on me instead of taking my memories he made it so I lose them when I use my powers.

Me: "So your going to keep looking for Jason".

Heather: "Actually I'm staying with you since he seems to have a real interest in you".

Me: "Answer me this what will happen to me if I lose all my memories?".

Heather: "I'm not sure but I think you'll just be a blank slate but as for what Jason wants out of this".

I had more questions than answers but I knew if I waited long enough Jason will show himself but as I head back to the school I saw Irina teaching the students but soon see Koro-Sensei.

Koro-Sensei: "Mr L/n are you alright you seem a little pale".

Me: "I'm fine just lost in thought".

Koro-Sensei: "About the lost memories Irina told me".

Me: "I just wonder what kind of person I'll become if I lose all my memories will I be kind or cruel but the worst part is I'm going to lose everything and it scares me".

Koro-Sensei: "I see it's only natural after all our memories are like our soul they make up who we are but it's not all we are".

After that the day goes on like normal but I was still lost in thought as I start walking back to my home which the goverment gave me but as I arrive noticed the front door slightly open. I go inside with caution but saw no one around but they made a mess as I start looking around the before seeing the door to my office where I store my assassination requests but once I start looking I noticed my file on Koro-Sensei had been opened but what caught my eye was the fact one student had been crossed out so I rush out since I know what this means.

Nagisa's Location

Nagisa: "Man it's really late best get home quick before mom starts to worry".

Nagisa was unaware of the person hiding in the shadows with their sits set on him this person was a professional assassin she is cold to all, never allows a target to escape and now her sights are on Nagisa.

???: "This kid doesn't look like a worth target but the pay is good".

Me: "Back away Nina".

Nina's Look

Nina's Look

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