Chapter 4

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It has been a whole month since I started teaching and I never really expected anything from these kids but I could see the hard work they put into the lessons so we teachers got together and thought it was time to give them a break so we arrange a trip and soon after we all boarded a train to Nagasaki but on the train I was just looking at the paper work.

Karma: "Tell me teach if this is a break why you still working?".

Me: "I'm not here for fun or a break this is for you students to be honest I would rather have stayed home until you all got back but Koro-Sensei decided I needed to tag along".

Koro-Sensei: "Indeed I did because the best thing an assassin needs is rest to not only recharge their bodies but to open their minds".

Me: "Please tell me you didn't get that from some fucking fortune cookie".

Koro-Sensei: "Oh no actually the writer was the one who put it in this story of ours".

<>We are experiencing some technical difficultes we will return shortly<>

Author: "Koro-Sensei look what you've done".

Koro-Sensei: "What I simply told the truth".

Nagisa: "I think that's the problem sensei you broke the legendary 4th wall rule".

Karma: "I think I can fix it".

Everyone sees Karma smile as he sets explosives to blow the 4th wall down but Nagisa keeps him from doing so until the Author kicks them all back into the story.


<> We return to your program thank you for your patience<>

We arrive in Nagasaki and quickly find the hotel we will all be staying at I just wear the clothes I always wear but I soon feel someone pull me by the arm and when I look I saw it was Irina.

Irina: "Come on let do a little shopping".

Me: "I have a feeling I'm about to regret this".

At just as I thought I did because Irina had brought lots of new clothes and I had to carry them but it was fine but she was wearing one of them and she actually looked cute in it but I just keep quiet as I watch her having fun but as I watched her I saw a person walk past her now to most it would seem normal but being an assassin I could see the slight of hand.

Me: "Irina excuse me a minute".

I walked away which makes Irina confused but I had a mission of my own so I find the person hiding in a alley looking through her purse and I approach.

Me: "Tell me does the lady know you took that".

Thief: "Where did you come from?".

Me: "Word of advise if your going pick pocket make sure no one sees but tell me will you return the ladies purse".

Theif: "You want this have it that slut must be real cheap".

I quickly punch the thief in the face sending him crashing into some garbage cans before approaching him while cracking my knuckles and he was telling me to chill but I show him no mercy as I punch him over and over until he was covered in blood.

Me: "Don't call her a slut again or next time I'll kill you".

I grab the purse and walk back to Irina who was waiting for me I hand her purse back to her and just saying I found it on the floor thanks to a nice man before we start walking back but as we were waiting to cross the road I saw him Jason.

As soon as the lights changed I ran after him leaving Irina with her shopping but I needed to catch him because this is what I wanted at long last I was going to get the pleasure of killing him for what he did to me I soon follow him into an abandoned building.


Jason: "Why are you so angry? don't forget I saved you when you were young".


Jason: "That is such a rude thing to say and most people would call what I gave you as a gift".


Jason walks out from behind a pillar and as soon as he does I rushed at him but he dodged me but my assassin experience gave me the edge as I sweep his leg and drop him with an elbow and I continue my attack with a barrage of punches until I finall pul out my gun and shot him in the head killing him.

Me: "After all this time I spent searching for you I finally killed you and this time it's not a body double".

I start walking away as I put my gun back in my pocket but I soon hear laughing and my eyes widen as I look back and saw Jason standing up but it can't be possible I shot him in the head and yet he was standing.

Jason: "Your skills are most impressive but I am disappointed to see your lack of sense after all you must have known that if I was able to give you such a gift then it's only natural I did the same right".

I saw the bullet hole heal up like nothing had happened I was quick to get back on the attack but when I went for a punch Jason caught it and knees me in the stomach and proceeds to grab the back of my head and tossed me into a wall.

Jason: "I must thank you had I not found you that day would never have reached my goal but I don't need you anymore project X but just know you have my thanks".

I was about to get up before he throws something at me and once I catch it Jason ran away and I saw what he threw was a grenade which explodes and the weak structure of the build came crashing down on top of me.

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