Chapter 2

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I haven't done much teaching since my little fight with Takaoka but I don't really care as I can still try and kill my target and to be honest I have found it nice having a challenge but I know he will never last so I prepare to end it this day as I asked Koro-Sensei for a fight and he agrees.

Me: "Just so you know I'll kill you".

Koro-Sensei: "Yes the force is strong with this one".

I rushed in while shooting my pistol but I made sure the ammo was the one made to kill him he dodges but during the shots I throw some knives but he missed them too but I knew that would happen so I used the string I attached to pull them back while also wrapping them around him.

Karma: "Oh he isn't half bad but still doesn't understand the creature in front of him".

Everyone had expected Koro-Sensei to simple break free but they soon saw he was in pain which made no sense until Ritsu noticed.

Ritsu: "I see he made string out of the same material but it must also be weaker because of it's smaller size and width".

Itona: "Which means even if Koro-Sensei can escape it will only cause him damage what a clever plan but it won't last".

I saw Koro-Sensei begin to struggle to break free but I press a button and a spear shot through him and I made it out of the same material as my bullets and I could see the look of fear in his eyes as I walk towards him while holding the string tight.

Me: "How does it feel to have that sense of fear wash over you".

Koro-Sensei: "Hehe this is most exciting to have myself pushed to the edge like this but your still not able to kill me just yet".

I go to shoot him but I felt something pull my leg and I see one of his tenticals he must have wrapped around me when I got close enough but my moment of thought caused me to lose the grip of the string allowing Koro-Sensei to escape.

Koro-Sensei: "That was a good attempt I give that an A+ but it seems you still need work however I must admit had you managed to tighten those strings a little I would most certainly have died".

Me: "I'm not done yet".

I rushed at him and grab him in a bear hug making him unable to move before pressing button which released another spear and it goes straight through me and Koro-Sensei but it missed vital organs and I knew I used up my last chance so I walk away while holding my wound but as I pass Karasuma I whisper to him.

Me: "I'll heal".

I pass him and Irena however Irina seems more worried than anything but I go to staffroom where I use my secret ability to heal my wound but as I did the door opens and that's when I look at the door and saw Irina who dropped the medkit she had brought and I knew my secret was out.

Me: "I know this looks strange but I'm not a monster like Koro-Sensei".

Irina: "You healed how?".

Me: "A long story but it seems I have to tell you since you saw my secret".

After I had Irena lock the door behind her and I closed the windows so if any of the students try to listen they would be unable to as I sat Irina on the couch.

Me: "Let me just start saying that I'm a human and this is not something I was born with got it".

Irina: "Yes".

Me: "Ok so when I was born my parent abandoned me so I grew up with no parents but after I turned eight a man took me in and I felt happy I finally had someone to call family but I soon found out that it wasn't heaven but hell".

Irina: "What happened?".

Me: "I was used like a fucking lab rat is what happened he first injected me with this thing called nanite technology basically it makes me stronger, faster and as you saw allows me to heal any wound even ones which would normally kill a normal person".

Irina: "Why did he do this?".

Me: "Not sure but I'm guessing it was because human experimentation is not legal but after he did this to me he tested my new body by having me suffer multiple time I was stabbed, set on fire, dunked in acid, cut into pieces, decapitated, drowned, shot with bullets, shot with arrows, crushed and eaten alive but each time I died I resurrect like nothing happened".

Irina: "How the fuck are you not crazy?".

Me: "Oh but I did go crazy but after I turned ten I got bored and became sane but I changed so when i got the chance to escape I took it but not before killing the bastard for what he's done but this power comes with a side effect".

Irina: "What is it?".

Me: "When I become angry I become a different kind of person almost as if I had a dark side and all it wants is death you saw me tap into it when I had that fight with Takaoka that feeling to kill overpowered my sense of reason and the monster was unleased but I did make a promise to kill that bastard".

Irina: "But I thought you already had?".

Me: "At first I had but it seems it was a double and the real one is still alive but I will kill him and maybe get some answers about why he did this to me".

After that Irina leaves and I decide to sit there looking at the ceiling wondering why it felt so good talking to her and I feel a beating coming from my chest and it made me happy.

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