Chapter 14

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As the darkness of the night covers the sky I prepare my weapons for the battle ahead as this will decide the earths fate destruction or salvation.

Heather: "Are you sure about this?".

Me: "This is need sis so in the end I must set the stage for his final farewell".

After that I finished preparing my weapons head out the door soon followed by Heather who was coming to witness the battle but deep down I didn't want to kill him but I have to as we reach the location of class 3-E and see Koro-Sensei.

Me: "Lets do this Koro-Sensei".

Koro-Sensei: "Yes lets".

I start off quick as reach to my sides and pull out two pistols and rush at him while shooting but he's dodging but I'm closing the distance but he gets behind me and placed his tentacles on my shoulder but it was destroyed on contact making him jump back.

Koro-Sensei: "I see you coated in the anti-me BB's".

Me: "I'm prepared to take you down so tell me Koro-Sensei are you ready to die".

We rushed at each other again only this time I had dropped the pistols in exchange for a set of knives which I swing while staying close to him making it difficult to avoid my attacks but I toss a small ball at him and it released a smoke which blinds Koro-Sensei but it had a second effect.

Koro-Sensei: "You know a simple smoke bomb can't effect me".

In that moment Koro-Sensei lost an arm which surprised him before jumping out of the smoke but as soon as he did I let loose my trap I had set on my first day here and a barrage of BB's which he does dodge however the lose of his arm left him a little confused before I shoot with my sniper rifle and take off three more of his tentacales.

Me: "Your done Koro-Sensei".

I was about to take my final shot before an energy dome surrounds us but I was soon hit in the face by someone who I was told called himself Shiro but when I looked at him it seems like he is more interested in Koro-Sensei.

Shiro: "It seems your in a spot of trouble Koro-Sensei".

Me: "What the hell is this?".

I was soon grabbed by the neck by the man in leather before getting tossed at the school but Koro-Sensei caught me as we look at the both of them.

Me: "Something tells me our little fight will need to be put on hold".

Koro-Sensei: "It looks that way tell me would you be willing to fight with me".

Me: "It would be my pleasure".

Me and Koro-Sensei rushed them with our inhuman speed Koro-Sensei took the man dressed in leather as I take the man it the cloak but as I collide I noticed he seemed to almost be like slime since my hand went straight through.

Shiro: "What a pity and here I was hoping that Jason's little guinea pig would be tougher but your not".

Me: "Your genetically modified like Koro-Sensei which mean your the person who started all this".

Shiro: "Oh yes but I never imagined the failure I had made would teach a bunch of useless children with no future but I must admit it allowed me to scout out future guinea pigs I'm actually considering trying a couple experiments on that female what was her name oh yes Irina".

As I hear him say Irina's name something caused me to think about all the times we spent together but also think about the future I hope reach as my anger bursts and that strange form appears once again only this time it was fueled by anger.

Shiro: "Oh now this is most interesting tell me what is this impressive transformation".

In the blink of an eye Shiro was sent flying through some trees as I the ground under my feet smokes like it's on fire but an intense heat was coming off me as I step towards Shiro who had a fist imprinted on his face.

Me: "You made one mistake threatening the woman I love will be your last mistake".

Shiro: "I see your explosive strength and speed are most improved from your attacks before however it seems your body isn't used to that for just yet and it's taking all your might to maintain it".

Me: "I can hold it long enough to kill you".

Shiro: "Unless he protects me".

In that moment I saw the man in leather appear behind me but he's changed and he knocks me away from Shiro but I soon see Koro-Sensei on the ground this man was given the same powers as Koro-Sensei and it looked like I had to wait for him to recover a little. I rushed at the monster that stood before me and deliver a barrage of punches but our speed was equal no it wasn't I was slightly slow because I'm struggling to maintain the new power I have as I'm hit which made me flicker in and out of it before crashing to the ground.

Shiro: "I have to say your good to be able to equal my newest experiment however at your current level you could never win".

The monster goes to stike but soon it's tentacale was cut off as Heather stood in front of me holding an anti-me bb sword with a second she handed to me as I focus and stead my new form but Koro-Sensei also got up and stood next to us as te three of us prepare to fight.

Heather: "I might not have the abilities you two have but allow me to give support".

Koro-Sensei: "I accept your offer to help".

Me: "Lets give these bastards hell".

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