Chapter 16

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I was wonderind through fog unable to see what was in front me but as I walk throught the thick fog I see a light soon followed by voices of my parents calling me away as I go to reach out for them before another feeling comes over me and I feel people calling me back the voices belonged to all of class 3-E, Irina, Koro-Sensei, Karasuma and Heather.

M/n: "Come on son take one more step and you can rest".

D/n: "Yes son your almost there a single step and you can sleep".

Heather: "Brother please come back to us".

Irina: "Come on F/n".

Me: "I must go back they need me mom and dad please wait for me just a little longer".

I start walking away from the light as my hair glows red as well as my eyes but what I head as the light slowy fades was something that made me truely happy.

M/n & D/n: "We are proud of you son".

I wake up feeling the wounds I were gone and healed as I start to stand up before the sound of whips caught my ears and I start walking towards the sound but once I get there I see the creature going to finish of Koro-Sensei so I throw a knife which got it attention.

Me: "This fight isn't over yet ugly".

The creature turns to me as I managed to change however because of the damage my body had gone through I wasn't able to hold it for very long so I had to make the time count so I grab the anti-me bb sword from Heather and rushed at it but it does the same as I swing but it dodged. I quickly spin around hoping to land a rebound attack but it dodged but it also whips me into a tree making my transformation flicker but I remain standing as I soon see it start thrusting it's tentacles at me like it was punching I slice some but in the end the overwhelming number of attacks got to me and I was hit multiple times but I still stand.

Me: "Is that all you got because that felt weak".

The creature seemed a little angry and rushed in but this allowed me to play him to my tune as I side step him and slice off the tentacle before doing it over and over until it was even slow.

Me: "Alright now that your slower lets end this".

I go to rush it but even though my wounds had healed the damage still remained and this caused me to cough up blood as the creature reached out and grabbed me by the neck I go to stike it but it caught my arm forcing me to be held in mid-air but I smile.

Me: "Like I said lets end this".

The creature was confused but soon got stabbed through the chest by an anti-me bb combat knife which Koro-Sensei pushed in the creature screams in pain as it lets me go and as soon as I land I used the last of my strength to thrust the anti-me bb sword into it as well and it soon dies.

After that the students all show up as Karasuma, Irina and Heather wake up but the damage to my body and Koro-Sensei's cause us to fall to the ground exhausted as everyone checked on us but I tell them to finish the mission and as much as they wished they didn't want to do it they knew it had to be done Koro-Sensei accepted this was needed and allowed them to pin him down as Nagisa was given the task to deliver the final blow.

Me: "Remember all of you this needs to be done and I feel it's only fair it's the students he cares about the most who should see him off farewell Koro-Sensei".

Koro-Sensei: "Your speaking like a true educator farewell Mr L/n".

I sit next to Heather as we watch Koro-Sensei spent his last moments with those he chose to care for because of promise to a woman who changed the man who was once called the reaper into the perfect educator Koro-Sensei as we watch him fade away in a bright light which rises to the heaven as the final job was done the next day I met up with Heather as I make my way to the airport.

Heather: "What will you do now?".

Me: "Not sure maybe do a little traveling and live my life since my goal was reached".

Irina: "Hey wait for me".

I look and see Irina running towards me and she was packed as well as we reach the airport she tells me that she was going to tag along on my next adventure and I couldn't argue with her as I knew Heather was going to stay and work with Karasuma at the goverment.

2 years later

On the streets of New York many things are hidden left for those who lurk in the dark but in that darkness a single person stand in the light and darkness taking out the evil and corruption with no target leaving his sight.

Underworld bar tender: "So your the guy the one they say will deal with the shit that those of power will ignore I need to ask what drives you to do this".

Me: "Simple I'm just cleaning up the world one scumbag at a time".

Underworld bar tender: "So why come here isn't this the kind of place your trying to destroy".

Me: "You misunderstand I will only destroy the corrupt places once someone pays me other than that I have no reason to harm anyone here well see you".

I walk out as my phone rings and I look at the caller ID and it was Irina so I pick up the call.

Me: "Hello Irina is everything ok".

Irina: "Are you coming home soon".

Me: "I'm going to be home soon my dear wife so tell our lovely daughter daddy is going to be back soon and we'll play a game".

Irina: "I still can't believe we've been married a whole year".

Me: "I know see you when I get home love you".

Irina: "Love you too".


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