Chapter 1

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As I was walking to the classroom I could see that things with this school were fucked up labeling these students as misfits because they struggle to learn but I put those thoughts on hold as I enter the classroom where I saw the target Koro-Sensei.

Koro-Sensei: "Hello you must be the new teacher welcome".

Me: "First things first I'm not here for the students so they better not expect me to give it my best I'm here for one thing to kill you".

Koro-Sensei: "Hehe your more than welcome to try but I'm not the easiest to kill".

Koro-Sensei was soon quick to shut up when I pulled out a gun a shot many of the students watching were shocked as Koro-Sensei was barely able to dodge but he lost a tentical because of my attack.

Me: "I see so that's the secret high speed mobility and what appears to be regeneration but these bullets the goverment gave me are made just for you making them harmless to humans interesting".

Blue haired kid: *Wow he has Koro-Sensei scared is just who is this guy?*.

Koro-Sensei: "Your skills are no joke it would seem but what do you expect from the second best assassin in the world".

I start walking away but as I do I bump into another teacher a female by the name of Irina
Jalević I offer my hand and help her back to her feet before walking away to the teachers lounge where I see Karasuma.

Karasuma: "So what do you think?".

Me: "Koro-Sensei is tough not a problem for me I nearly killed him next time he will meet his end".

Karasuma was shook by your voice he was informed of your abilities and the one you hide from everyone but the skills you have to assassinate people put you on the same level as The Reaper another legendary assassin but your current makes you also one of the most dangerous.

Karasuma: "I heard we are to be getting another teacher".

Me: "So soon why do they not believe I have the skills".

Karasuma: "Actually they want to try get these kids ready as soon as possible".

Me: "It takes time besides since I'm here the mission is over".

As we continue to talk about my role as a teacher the other teacher arrived and quickly started teaching them but I decide to take a look at his style and as I watched the class I saw his abuse of power and the way he bullied the kids Irina and Karasuma were also seeing it but after I saw enough I walk towards him as I saw he was about to punch one of them so I grab his wrist.

Me: "I think that's enough Akira Takaoka".

Takaoka: "What do you mean? I'm just teaching them to fight after all they will need to since your here".

I pull him away and lean down to the student and check on them to see if they are ok before looking at Takaoka with a look of hate and my E/c eyes turn bright red.

I pull him away and lean down to the student and check on them to see if they are ok before looking at Takaoka with a look of hate and my E/c eyes turn bright red

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Takaoka: "Oh so you want to help in my demonstration".

Me: "No I'm just going to show the fat bully who the top dog is around here".

Takaoka runs at me after collecting a real combat knife but I just throw mine away as my hands were good enough as he would soon see he thrust his combat knife at me but I dodged and caught his arm before tackling him to the ground.

Me: "Rule one never allow yourself to be caught off guard even during an attack".

I allow Takaoka up and he was quick to run at me like a raging bull but I deliver a jumping knee knocking him back before taking his weapon away.

Me: "Rule two always remain calm rage is help full but it can also be a deadly poison".

Takaoka got up and rushed me again but by this point it was just annoying so I decide to end this fight by catching him by the face and slam him into the ground after I show him the difference in our skills I got up and walk over to the students.

Me: "Finally rule three....".

I was cut off by Takaoka rushing at me for a sneak attack but he fails as I spin kick him to the ground and point a gun at him but all he does is smile.

The Gun

Takaoka: "Do you think I'm scared of these toy guns I already know the bullets don't hurt humans"

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Takaoka: "Do you think I'm scared of these toy guns I already know the bullets don't hurt humans".

Me: "This isn't a toy gun as you put it this is the real deal here let me show you".

The smile disappears from Takaoka's face before I shot him in the shoulder with a real bullet making him scream in pain as I stomp on the wound making him scream louder.

Me: "How does it feel having someone use a real gun with real bullets you must be getting very excited".


I was quick to shut him up by placing the gun in his mouth and look him dead in the eyes as the fear takes over as I smile.

Me: "Finally rule three show no mercy to those who stand in your way".

I click the gun and Takaoka's eyes told me he was begging me to stop but as an assassin I never let justice go unserved as I prepare to pull the trigger when I feel both Karasuma and Irena pull me back before I shoot my gun in the air showing if they hadn't done that I would have killed Takaoka.

Karasuma: "Go cool off before you do something you'll regret".

I walk away after putting my gun away and I could see the students were shook by my sudden ruthlessness but I don't care because to me this is only an act until I kill the target.

Time Skip

While you were cooling off Takaoka was terminated because of his abusive actions but Irina had questions so she asked Karasuma.

Irina: "So what's his story?".

Karasuma: "Not really sure he's a true assassin but as far as his past goes I know very little about him but lets just say he's got a secret which is a curse".

Irina was more curious than ever as she watched you smoking outside but she wonders what your story really is.

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