Chapter 3

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After you shared our past with Irina she decided to do a little digging of her own but while she was gone you couldn't help but think about your past and the torture you experienced.

To your past

I was eight years old and living on the streets stealing food to survive but I never felt lonely as I made friends with a dog that like me had no home but it also left me but it was fine because he was taken in by a pet shelter where they help animals find a new home but I was always alone after that.

Me: "It's cold".

I was able to survive the weather conditions but only barely when it rains I sleep under bridges but when it's winter I have trouble as I have no blankets only newspaper but I make do but I was able to make a fire so at least I had some warmth.

Me: "I need to find more stuff to keep the fire burning".

???: "Oh my what a pure little child left out in the cold".

Me: "Who are you Mr?".

???: "Well little one I'm at this minute a friend and I wish to help you come and live with me and you'll never be cold or hungry again".

I was a little unsure if I should but the offer was too good to pass up besides I knew I would die if I spent any longer in the freezing cold so I agree and he takes me to my house and it was huge.

The House

Me: "Wow this place is your house"

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Me: "Wow this place is your house".

???: "Yes it is and as of this moment it's yours too".

I was happy to finally get a real home so I ran inside and it was like a mansion but he showed me to my room and the bed was so big and comfy it was like I was about to sleep on a fluffy cloud after that he shows me the bathroom and tells me to wash up while he prepares dinner.

Me: *He's a nice man*.

I wash all the dirt of my skin and it was a wonderful feeling to have hot water touch my skin as I wash my hair clean as I step out I saw a stand with a towel on it so I used it to dry off before I hear a knock at the door.

???: "I've placed some pyjamas on your bed".

Me: "Thank you".

After he leaves for downstairs I wrap the towel around my waist and I walk to my room and see a set of white pyjamas set out on the bed so I change into them before running downstairs where I got hit by the smell of food so I head to the kitchen where I saw a huge meal on the table.

Me: "Wow this looks so good".

???: "I hope you like it so please eat as much as you would like".

Me: "Thanks".

I start eating there was mash potato, cuts of pork and steamed vegetables I was in heaven a light yet creamy mash potato not to mention the crispy roasted pork which was topped with a sweet and sticky barbecue sauce but the steamed vegetables add a fresh flavour making the meal less heavy on the stomach and I was soon finished after eating the best meal of my life.

Me: "So full".

???: "I'm glad to hear it now lets get you to bed and tomorrow we can discuss your future".

I smiled at the kindness and make my way upstairs where I go to bed and just sink into the soft bed below me allowing myselfs to slip into a deep sleep but that would soon lead to moment which would change my life.

Time Skip

I was having a dream where I was swimming in the ocean but I soon wake up and find myself in a small box strapped to a table which was submerged in water as I struggle but am unable to free myself of the restraints I saw the mystery man who saved me walk over with a smile.

???: "Oh good your awake".

I could hear him as he stood up and walk towards some controls as he starts pressing the buttons I can hear the sound of drills which made me panick until he speaks.

???: "Don't worry it's only going to hurt a little".

I see he press another button and the drills enter my flesh all the way to the bones and t didn't a little I was in so much pain that was like my body was burning I try to get free but I still couldn't and soon I the pain begins to increase.

???: "Not much longer now".

I got tired and slipped unconscious as he did what he wanted but after a few hours I wake up in a large white room and I quickly looked at my body and saw I was not injuried and had no marks on my body until I hear the voice of the mystery man.

???: "Wonderful your awake tell me how are you feeling?".

Me: "What is going on?".

Jason: "My name is Jason Maxwell an I'm a geniues scientist but to answer your question evolution is going on".

Me: "Evolution".

Jason: "Yes evolution I have finally solved the problem of life and death but I couldn't have done it without you because you see I needed a good lab rat to test my theory on and when I stumbled on you a homeless boy with no family I knew it was a gift from god himself".

Me: "What did you do?".

Jason: "I've made it impossible for you to die you'll continue to age so you'll be able to die of old age but you can no longer die because of any thing else stabbing, drowning, melting, burning not even suffication you are now able to regenerate thanks to the little nanites I placed in your body but I did need to alter your body only a little".

Me: "What?".

Jason: "In order for the nanites to work affectively I had to make your bones like steel but I managed to find special metal unbreakable and harder than diamonds I call it adamantium".

I looked at my hands and feel horror as I start to cry because now I was turned into some sort of freak but things only got worse because I spent the next two years having him test my regeneration ability however after I finally managed to break out of the room I wasted no time in heading to his room and cutting his throat but when I looked closer the body in the bed was a double and I hear his voice on a recording.

Jason: "So you managed to escape no matter have to admit it was most fortunate I found a body double or I might have been killed but I no longer need you".

I was full of anger but once the recording ended the building exploded but I survived as my body fixed itself because of his experiment but I did look at the burning rubble and made a vow.

Back to the present

I wake up after having a nap on the roof and place my hand on my head as I feel the wind blow.

Me: "I'll find you and kill you that I swear".

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