Chapter 6

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As I wake up I saw Irina laying next to me as I slip out of bed and wake into the bathroom to wash up but as I did my head begins to hurt but as quick as the pain came it also disappears just as quick.

Me: "What the hell was that?".

After I shake it off I walk out to see Irina sitting up on the bed before she jumps out and into my arms.

Irina: "How was your night in heaven?".

Me: "Oh it was heavenly with a hint of spice".

Irina and I kiss before she goes to clean up I got my clothes on and wait until Irina was washed and dressed after which we head downstairs to meet up with the others but as we get there I pull Irina back as the wall explodes.

Me: "What the hell was that?".

As I look at what came through the wall I saw it Koro-Sensei but a sudden large man steps through but once he saw me I feel a sense of danger before he rushed at me and delivers a punch that sends me flying through a wall but he gives chase.

Me: "This bastard is as strong as me or maybe he's a little stronger but something about him seems familiar".

The big guy attacks but this time I'm ready as I block him but the impact was enough to crack the ground beneath my feet he seems to have strength but not the speed as I shove him back before delivering a punch of my own but when I do I see he has the same enhancements as me.

Me: "So your one of his experiments".

Jason: "I must say you never disappoint do you".

I look and see Jason standing on a roof with another one of his experiments but this one was female but she was soon gone as I feel her kick me in the stomach sending me into the other one who begins to squeeze me.

Jason: "What do you think?".

Me: "I think your a twisted person so who are they?".

Jason: "Oh don't you know them and after they came looking for you but you never got the chance to see them not even when you were little".

I was struggling to break free until I punch the male in the face king it let go as I jump back where I could see Irina and the children behind me.

Me: "Enough games tell me who they are?".

Jason: "Come on don't you know the faces of your own parents".

I hear his words and I feel the world around me shatter as I look at the people in front of me and I feel anger rising.

Jason: "They were good test subjects but in the end they were failures the father became strong but slow while the mother became fast but weak and then I stumbled on you their son who became the perfect test subject.

My anger had reached it's boiling point as I rushed forward blinded by rage.

Me: "JASON".

I soon fall to the ground after Jason shot me in the head.

Jason: "Not the most effective weapon but it will at least stun him long enough go on collect him".

The male goes to pick me up but it's arm was cut off as I begin to stand up and the students begin to see my arm morph into a blade as I lift my head and he saw my wound was already being healed by the nanites.

Jason: "It seems you have learned how to make the nanites do as you wish but I never imagined they could reshape a piece of someones body without any pain".

Me: "Well now you know but this I discovered to kill you".

I rushed towards him and he dodged me again but this time I counter his punch by having it pass through my body which allows me to knee him in the face sending him flying but as I was about to dliver the finishing blow a stranger in white robes stops me as Jason and his experiments make their getaway.


Jason: "Sorry but the time is not yet right".

I run after Jason but he throws a ball on the ground and he is suddenly gone and all I can feel is a sense of rage as I morph my arm back and punch straight through the wall next to me before feeling Irina's hand on my back as I look back at the shocked faces of the students.

Karma: "Never knew we had another monster for a teacher".

Me: "I'm not a monster but I will give you one warning insult me again and it won't only be your hair that's red".

Karma walks up to me and gets in my faces but I show him I take no shit as he goes to attack me but I grab his arm and shove him to the ground before pulling out my real knife and shove it down but stop just before reaching his eye.

Me: "Your far too young to talk shit to me so do yourself a favour and shut up before I take away one of those eyes of yours".

Karasuma: "Enough F/n your going too far".

Me: "Too far I'm only showing this little pup who the big dog is".

I get up and put my knife away and start walking away as the students see me walk inside and past Koro-Sensei.

Koro-Sensei: "He seems a little unstable is it because of those nanites?".

Karasuma: "Hard to say but it seems likely".

Koro-Sensei: "From the way he speaks I believe the more he uses those abilities the more unstable he becomes".

In my room

I enter my room and head to the bathroom to wash my face before a shooting pain strikes my head but as it stops I look in the mirror and shake my head.

Me: "It happened again another memory lost who was that kid I had on the ground? and why did I have him on the ground?".

As I walk out of the bathroom I saw a picture of a woman but I don't remember her but looking at it makes me feel happy but I just don't know why as I was looking at it Irina walks in and sees me.

Irina: "Who is she?".

Me: "I don't know I lost the memories of her a long time ago everytime I use my nanites I slowly lose pieces of my memory sometimes major and sometimes minor but she was a major but I don't know why".

Irina: "Then lets find out together".

Me: "Thank you Irina".

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