Chapter 12

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After I stepped into the next room I was finally about to get my revenge on Jason for what he's done to me but most of all to my family but his smile made me a little nervous as I wonder how he can smile when I'm within striking distance.

Me: "For someone who is about to die your very calm".

Jason: "Of course after all your not going to kill an already dying man".

Me: "What makes you think I won't?".

Jason: "Simple because you've been playing to my melody this whole time from the day I gave you those nano bots to this very moment".

Me: "I'm not some pawn but I am your killer".

Jason pressed a button before a chamber surrounds me but I'm not worried as I punch it however it didn't break which confused me as Jason got up from his chair.

Jason: "Like it I made this just for you".

Me: "So what your going to keep me here like a trophy".

Jason: "No what I have planned is much more grand so let us not waste time".

He clicks his fingers as the robots start setting up a second chamber as I see Jason cough up a little blood.

Me: "So your dying".

Jason: "Oh yes it turns out all the experiments had taken their toll on me over the years but I came up with a plan to save my life and you my boy are the key to my survival".

Me: "And you think I'll help you after you ruined my life and not just mine but my families as well yeah no chance in hell".

Jason: "Well it's not your choice besides once it's done you will no longer exist".

I watched as Jason walks into the chamber and closed the door as his robots activate the machine which attached our chambers before I feel a pain in my head.

Me: "What is this?".

Jason: "This is it I will get to live again you should feel honoured as your sacrifice will save my life".

I suddenly see a memory that wasn't mine it was Jason's and soon the chambers glow bright before it shuts down and the chamber doors open I step out as Jason falls the ground but a pain shoots through my face as the nano bots begin reshaping my face and even my mind was being replaced until I no longer remain.

???: "It worked haha it worked".

As this new face looked in a mirror he smiled as he looked at the face that was now on your body this face was Jason but he was now younger.

Jason's New Look

Jason: "I am young and strong but thanks to this new body I will never need to fear death again I think I'll test it out"

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Jason: "I am young and strong but thanks to this new body I will never need to fear death again I think I'll test it out".

Jason leaves the lab and walks through the town before walking towards the school but on his way he bumps into Heather who does try to kill him but he dodged with ease.

Jason: "You know it's rude to attack someone from behind".

Heather: "Shut up where is my brother?".

Jason: "He's gone however his body is well lets just say under new management".

Heather could tell what he means and this makes her snap as she tries to attack him but using his new body catched her punch and he smiled as the anger burns in her eyes but Jason jabs her into a tree before he walks over to her.

Jason: "Listen girl I'm the one in charge here so stay out of my way tell you what if you behave and be a good girl I'll treat you like a real woman so what do you say".

Heather spits in his face as Jason smiled while wipping it away.

Heather: "Go eat shit".

Jason: "What a shame and here I was thinking you were a smart lady oh well just means I have no need for you".

Jason was about to kill Heather before jumping away as Koro-Sensei gets between them and Heather was surprised but just sat there as Jason smiles.

Koro-Sensei: "I believe you have someone who doesn't belong to you and I kindly ask you give him back".

Jason: "Koro-Sensei I believe sorry but he no longer exists and now I must say farewell for now".

Heather: "NO YOU DON'T".

Koro-Sensei: "Mrs Heather let him go we will get your brother back that I promise".

Jason smiled before he vanished all Heather could do was cry as she feels the sense of loneliness wash over her before she and Koro-Sensei head to the school where they tell Karasuma, Irina and the students of the situation.

Nagisa: "Is this for real".

Karma: "Well I never would have guessed he had such a secret".

Irina: "What does this mean for the assassination?".

Karasuma: "The way I see it this doesn't effect the assassination of the target so for now we will continue with that".

Heather punched Karasuma in the face making him crash into the chalk board as tears roll down her face.


Karasusma was actually scared as Heather walked out the room soon followed by Irina who was also concerned for her.

Irina: "Heather wait please".

Heather: "What do you want?".

Irina: "I know how you feel believe me I want him back to but you have to accept he might never come back".

Heather: "I know that it's just even though he's gone I can still feel him but he's lost".

Irina: "How do you know that?".

Heather: "because of the experiments that had been done to use we can feel each which is why when I felt his spirit vanish I came looking for him and it lead me to Jason who is now in control of my brothers body".

Irina could see how hard this was on Heather but she was the same however one thing was clear they were planning to find a way to bring you back.

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