Chapter 7

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As the break ends I saw the look in the students eyes they were confused but also scared not that I blame them I never show my secret to anyone but as we all board a train back home I sat looking out the window before I see Koro-Sensei sit next to me.

Me: "You know I could kill you so easy with such little distance".

Koro-Sensei: "Oh I don't doubt it but at the moment you don't have the will to kill me but that power you have makes me wonder what is holding you back?".

Me: "Nothing is holding me back so if you don't move then I will kill you".

Koro-Sensei: "As a fellow educator let me give you some advice a flower can bloom but only if it's roots are stong".

Me: "What the hell is that supposed to mean?".

Koro-Sensei: "Your like a flower but you have not yet bloomed let go of anger and you will truely grow as a person".

I knew he was trying to help but I just couldn't let go off the anger so I sat there in silence before we reached the station but as we all step off the train I see a woman looking at me but as I pass her I hear her speak.

???: "Your not what I expected F/n".

Me: "Who are you?".

???: "None of your business".

I see her run but I wanted answers so I give Irina my stuff and ask her to take it back to the school as I chase after the mystery woman but she was strangely athletic as she did wall jumps like me but she seems to be fully human after I reach the roof I saw he standing there looking at me.

Me: "Enough cat and mouse talk who are you?".

???: "Someone it seems you had forgotten but not surprising after all those nanites have already taken a lot of your memories".

Me: "If you know about that it means you know Jason".

???: "Maybe I do and maybe I don't who really knows not that your strong enough to beat him".

I had heard enough and rushed her I go for a leg sweep but she jumps to avoid it but this was followed by a kick to my face making me stumble back as she stands there waiting for me to attack. After I got up I saw her come at me but now it was my turn to counter so catch her arm and judo throw her on to the roof but she was able to and on her feet as I'm soon pulled into a sleeper hold.

???: "Your skills have become weaker than I thought such a shame all that power and it useless".

I stuggle to break free but I refuse to let her beat me but her physical strength was crazy but how does she have this strength but I don't care as I start willing myself back to my feet as I pull her arms apart allowing me to break free.

Me: "Your not a normal person".

???: "Your right I'm not actually I'm like you another experiment only difference is I accepted who I am have you?".

Me: "I didn't even want this so tell you what find a way to make me human again".

???: "It can't be done besides I want you to get stronger and kill Jason".

I rushed at her but this time something changed I saw her go to punch me but it was in slow motion allowing me to avoid it but in reality nothing had changed as I deliver a strong uppercut to her knocking her back as I pin her to the ground.

???: "Your making progress good".

Me: "What just happened?".

???: "Once you accept yourself all your senses become enhanced for example fast attacks become slow".

Me: "No more who are you?".

Heather: "My name is Heather and I'm your sister".

Heather's Look

I back away in shock because I couldn't believe her but her face was the same as the woman in the photo so but how did I forget her my own sister

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I back away in shock because I couldn't believe her but her face was the same as the woman in the photo so but how did I forget her my own sister.

Me: "Lets say your telling the truth where were you all this time?".

Heather: "I was locked up for years by Jason I was one of the experiments which wasn't nanite based you see he made me into a super soldier enhanced strength and speed I knew of you but when I went home everyone was gone".

Me: "You believed I was dead".

Heather: "No but I wasn't sure where Jason was he always kept his base secret but once I heard about a home he lived at being blown up I rushed there but you had already gone and so I kept chasing after you until now".

I wasn't sure if I should trust her but if she was telling the truth I had to know as we head back to the school where I hope to have her explain everything about me and hopefully help me remember some of my lost past.

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