Chapter 9

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After last night I was more than worried because had I not stepped in Nagisa would have been killed but I still wonder just but since I wasn't needed at the school today I decided to take a walk in town.

Me: *Who sent Nina and what is their plan?*.

???: "Excuse me sir but might I ask for your assistance".

Me: "Sure how can I help?".

???: "I'm actually looking for an old friend of mine and I heard he is teaching at a place called Kunugigoaka Junior Highschool might you point me in the direction".

Me: *He's not your normal person this aura surrounding him is one of death meaning he is an assassin*.

Me: "Allow me to lead the way after all you might get lost".

???: "Thank you".

I start walking towards the school but I make sure to take him through an alley all the time I can feel the deadly intention surrounding him before I stop.

???: "Is there a problem sir".

Me: "Yeah how about you drop the act Jack".

Jack's Look

Assassin name - Jack The Ripper

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Assassin name - Jack The Ripper

Jack: "Oh so you knew who I was but tell me young man why did you not run".

Me: "Easy Jack because in all the years of me being an assassin you never once tried to kill me even when you had the chance like that time in London".

Jack: "Oh yes wht wonderful times however back then I was only testing the waters if you will but now you have a price on your head and I have come to collect".

Jack was quick to thrust a small knife he hide under his coat at me but I dodged it and elbow him into a wall but he was quick to avoid my punch as he starts climbing up a fire escape to the roof so I follow but once I get there he was standing there.

Jack: "What a stage for us to fight would you not agree but tell me what did it feel like killing that woman last night?"

Me: "You will not disrespect Nina do you understand Jack".

Jack: "I see so she lit the fire in you but tell me will it be a flame to be used or will it be one that consumes you LETS FIND OUT".

I see Jack throw some knives but I dodge them however I soon noticed him pull his arms back which leads to the knives stabbing me in the back I soon saw the wire he had attached to his gloves.

Jack: "He was right you have become soft not much of a fight in you where was that demon I faced in London".

Me: "Who is he?".

Jack: "Oh Nina didn't tell you Jason hired us but it seems you will die before he sees you again".

After hearing Jason's name I suddenly feel a strange feeling in my body as my muscles suddenly flex pushing the knives out of my back as I look at Jack who was shocked.

Jack: "Now that's impressive but a little flex will not make me back down".

He rushed at me but as I see him move I noticed just like my fight with Heather he seems much slower as I saw him swing a knife at me but I blocked it with my arm but the blade never pierced the skin as it seems to have become almost like a metal coating over my arm.

He rushed at me but as I see him move I noticed just like my fight with Heather he seems much slower as I saw him swing a knife at me but I blocked it with my arm but the blade never pierced the skin as it seems to have become almost like a metal ...

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Jack: "Well that's new".

Me: "You don't know the half of it Jack".

I soon push him away before rushing in and deliver a punch to the gut which I directed towards the roof making Jack crash into it before I pick him up by the collar.

Me: "Your going to tell me where Jason is?".

Jack: "Sorry no can do one rule I have is to never know the clients location so I guess your out of luck".

Me: "Maybe but now your out of time".

Jack looked confused before I drag him to the edge of the roof and wrap a wire around his neck before I hold him over the edge.

Jack: "Hold on what are you doing?".

Me: "I'm going to kill you after all the information you had on Jason was the only thing saving your useless life but since you know nothing I no longer have need of you".

Jack was soon scared as I slow allow the wire to tighten around his neck drawing a little blood as I watch him struggle to breath.

Jack: "Ok I give I'll tell you".

I carefully allow Jack to breath as I pull him back to roof and hold him by his collar.

Me: "Talk now or you'll be dead".

Jack: "He's at a lab just north of here but that's all I know I swear so please don't kill me".

I nod before throwing Jack off the roof and down into the alley where I watch him crash into some trash cans but he'll live but now I know where Jason is and I plan to kill him so I head home to gather my gear ready for the battle ahead.

Me: "Watch out Jason because I'm coming for you and this time you will not escape".

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