Chapter 13

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It had been just over a month since Jason took over your body but the end was fast approaching for both Koro-Sensei and the world but all Jason could do was sit and drink tea.

Jason: "I must say this brew is most divine just like you my fair lady".

Waitress: "Thank you sir and please do not hesitate order anything else".

As the waitress leaves a man in white robes sits across from him with a man in a leather fullbody suit.

Jason: "I have to say since gaining my new body this world has been most interesting such a shame it will soon come to an end because of your little experiment".

???: "You seem to have forgetten Jason I'm the one who helped you complete that research but so for you have done nothing to aid me".

Jason: "Because the problem is so simple that even a child could solve it if given the time".

???: "What do you mean?".

Jason: "One look at that creature and I could already see the problem and it's genetic breakdown in other words the cells in his body are replicate themselves faster than he can destroy and once they reach the limit is when he will go boom like I said simple".

As Jason walks away the mystery man watched as he as Jason seemed a little different as if something was making him think different the only question is what?.

Jason: "What a waste of time he never has anything new to say but still Koro-Sensei will never be fixed and when I'm done this world will be remade in my image".

???: "Man you sure do have a god complex don't you".

Jason looks at who it was that spoke to him.

Jason: "I know you, your Karma Akabane what do you want?".

Karma: "Simple we want our teach back after all your just a ghost in his shell".

Jason: "I am no ghost child I am simply a man looking to remove that which all humans fear and at this moment I have achived that goal the fear of death no longer applies to me I'm beyond all human understanding".

Karma: "I don't see it that way because your still afraid".

Jason soon feels annoyed by Karma's words as more of class 3-E start showing up surrounding him with Heather, Irina, Karasuma and Koro-Sensei.

Jason: "Do you really think this small class can take me down because your wrong".

Jason morped his arm into a gun and points it at Irina first and smiles but as he sees her unwilling to avoid she steps forward as he prepares to shoot however a sudden pulse unmorphed his arm as he grips his head in pain.

Jason: "What is this?".

Nagisa: "We have been watching you for the past month and in that time we have come to believe that your not in full control of that body but the real question is how longer you can hold it together when the fight really begins".

Jason: "You little shits think I don't contol this body you know nothing".

Jason tries to morph his arm again however it doesn't happen as his face begin to distort as some features change a little his right eyes turns E/c as his hair because half black and half H/c.

Jason: "No this can't be he should no longer have a sense of his own self so how is this possible".

In the mind

Jason: "I had it all planned out your memories should have been lost so how can you still exist".

Me: "I'm no fool Jason I've know for a long time that my memories were an issue for you grand plan so I practiced many techniques to prepare as you will no doubt see".

Jason soon saw something appear behind me as it lights up the blank void which I call my mind as Jason is confused as the object comes into focus and it's a golden chest wrapped in chains.


Me: "Pieces of my memories which I kept hidden until the time was right so tell me are you ready for my final evolution because now I'm bringing the heat".

As I say that the chains break and the chest begins to shake as what looks like flames appear to slip out before it finally burst releasing a wave of flames which Jason tries to resist but is unable to and is forced out.

Back to reality

Everyone watched as Jason changed back to me but a sudden burst forced the image of Jason to appear as I stand there looking a little different my armourment ability was now improved as my hair glows a bright red as well as my eyes but Jason's looked like a hologram which was slowly fading away.

Jason: "This can't be happening".

Me: "Accept the end Jason because I'm done with you".

Jason: "Don't turn your back on me I am not going to let it end here".

Heather: "It's over Jason my brother and I have no reason to continue fighting you besides your time is done just look at yourself".

Jason looks at his hands as they fade away soon followed by his body as the last thing he sees is the look of someone who doesn't feel anger towards him but pity this made him angry but at the same time happy because it showed someone cared about him as he finally fades into nothingness.

Me: "Rest in peace Jason and struggle no more".

After that you returned to normal but that new ability took a lot out of you but after everyone catched you up on things only one thing took you by surprise and it wasn't the fact that they had a fight to decide if they should kill or save but the real shock was that Heather and Karasuma had started dating.

Me: "Sis I thought you were into women".

Heather: "No I'm just bisexual so I like both".

Me: "Well I'm happy for you sis really I am but Karasuma if you make my sister cry I will not hesitate to rip your heart out and shove it down you throat do you understand me".

Karasuma: "You have my word that I will make her happy to the best of my ability".

Koro-Sensei: "It's so nice having you back".

Me: "I'm sorry but I must kill you Koro-Sensei".

Everyone goes silent as the reality of the situation hits them like a brick in the coming week Koro-Sensei would destroy the earth but after that all of the students were sent home to prepare for the end of either the earth or Koro-Sensei.

Heather: "Are you sure about this brother".

Me: "I wish I could help him live but time has run out but something tells me it will not be me to deliver the final blow I'm simply the opening act".

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