Chapter 10

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After taking down Jack I started walking to the location of Jason's lab but I made sure to collect my gear first because this battle was going to be nothing more than war but as I reach the doors I pull out my pistols before walking inside where I'm greeted by som robots.

Me: "I don't have time for you".

I shoot them down one by one but their numbers continue increasing but I push through them.

As I reach the end of the hallway I find myself in a large room with only a single door but I was soon greeted by my mother who looked ready to kill now she was less human and more machine

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As I reach the end of the hallway I find myself in a large room with only a single door but I was soon greeted by my mother who looked ready to kill now she was less human and more machine.

Your Mother's New Look

Me: "Lets do this mother"

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Me: "Lets do this mother".

I see her vanish but I know better as I shoot behind me making her jump back as keep fighting while keeping her from being able to attack but still she was able to dodge with incredible speed. As she land I expected her to rush at me but she didn't however new mechanical tail whips away my bullets as she starts walking towards me.

Me: "Shit she's learning but so am I".

I stop shooting and rush in but when she goes for an attack I slide under her and slap a disk on her leg before pressing a button which caused the disk to explode taking the leg clean off but I soon saw it reform just like my nano bots.

Me: "Should have guessed Jason would make you tougher but that doesn't mean I'm done".

I rushed at her tossing my pistols before grabbing my shotgun as I blast her in the chest pushing her back before getting close enough to where I could punch her in the face but I saw she had caught my punch which she quickly followed up with an elbow to my face. As I am sent flying I soon see her appear in front of me before stomping my head into the ground which cracks under the pressure before she picks me up and throws me into a wall.

Me: *She's much faster than before I can't even keep up*.

I get back up as the nano bots fix the damage but I soon noticed I had dropped my shotgun so I pull out my sword and rushed at her but she dodged it with ease however when she goes for a punch I avoid it and deliver a counter attack taking off her arm. As I see her continue to attack me I block her but when I make an opening I try to end her with one final swing she managed to dodge it at the last minute before she kicks me in the gut sending me flying into a wall but I remain standing.

I was about to try and attack again but I soon noticed my left arm was cut off as I see her tail moving away I was in a little pain but it soon goes away as the nano bots begin to reattach my arm but she rushed in hoping to stop me but I block her with my other arm as my left arm swings while being reattached.

Me: "Sorry but you only get one attack on me".

My arm was soon reattached and I punch her in the face cracking ther face plate but she delivers a spinning kick to me making me fall to the floor with her but we both start getting to our feet however I soon see that her face was exposed a little.

Female robot: "Where am I?".

Me: "Mom!".

Female robot: "F/n my baby boy".

She tries to reach for me but I soon see her get controlled by the machine parts that she jabs at me with lightning fast jabs but as Im dodging I see my mother begin to cry and I know what I need to do so I knock her back with a knee as I hold my sword up.

Me: "Mom what I do next is not out of anger but love you brought me into this world and I'll set you free from those machines".

She rushed at me but I simply rushed forward and swing my blade at her neck but as I strike she scratched my face taking out my left eye but in the end my attack was the end since she had no longer got the power to repair herself as she falls to the ground and my eye already begins to reapir.

Me: "Mother I promise to make Jason pay for what he's done to you no what he's done to all of us".

I started walking towards the door which was now open meaning I was being allowed to enter the next room but something felt off as I walked through but just like the last room I came face to face with my father but he was also different which told me this was not going to be an easy fight.

Me: "Lets set you free dad".

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