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Hoseok and Jimin were sitting under the tree.

"Heyy Minnie see what I got"

He said excitement filled his voice.

"Wow hyung sandwich.."

"Yess there was Girl...her name was
Y/N...she was so kind..she bought me sandwich and gave money too see...."

"Wow hyung she must be an angel...god send her for you.."

He said in his tiny voice.

"Yess Minnie I also asked her if she is one but she said she is just here to help me."

Jimin nodded but eyebrows furrowed looking at his cheeks.

"Hyung what happened here..?"

He asked caressing his cheeks with little fingers.

"Did someone slapped you..?"

"Ohh no Minnie...That was...just..yeah..there was mosquito on my cheeks so slapped my face hehehe"

He said nervously he don't want Jimin to be worried for him.jimin never let anyone to hurt his hyung.
Even when his mummy sometime got  angry at him for something and was about to hit him he always came in front of him to protect his hyung.

Mr. and mrs. Jung were kind and strict parents. Who loved there sons. who were head over heals for their sons. But never spoiled them. They were strict with son's studies.and tought lots of  manners. like respecting elders.never talk in between elders.

Jimin caressed his cheeks.

"Is it hurting..?"

"Yes Minnie little bit..but don't worry I'll be ok.."

Jimin kissed his cheeks and tilt his head to look at his hyung like saying
'is it better.?'

Hoseok just smiled .Jimin again kissed his cheeks

"Is it still hurting?"

"No Minnie it disappeared...wow you're doctor Minnie...or are you magician..?"

He gasped making surprised face.

Jimin giggled putting little hand on mouth.

"No hyungie...don't you remember mamma always did that to us whenever we got hurt or somethin...? I used mamma's trick..."

He said smiling.

"Now eat this it is really tasty Minnie"

He said unwrapping the sandwich.

He shoved that in Jimin's mouth

Jimin's eyes lit up he took one peace in his hand.

"Hyungie  eat this."

He shoved that peace in his mouth.

Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair.
He pouted but smiled after. He can't get angry at his hyung. No. never.


Days went like that.

days turned into month. Where hoseok always comes back getting slapped or getting bruises bcz of falling on grounds.

One day hoseok came running panting.jimin asked what happened and
The thing was that a dog chased him.



In next chapter hoseok will be 16
And Jimin will be 14.

And remember hoseok and jimin's hight are shorter comparing to heir ages.so whenever they stand in front of elders they reach only to their chest  or stomach.

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