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Finally!!!!....hell!!!!! Exams are over!!

To say the older and the younger were restless was an understanment. three days has passed and both didn't talk with eachother. Well....mostly hosoek refused to. Taehyung tried whatever he could to to make hosoek speak but younger kept ignoring his pleadings.

They discharged Taehyung from hospital and is now living with yoongi and y/n. the elders take care of him just as hosoek expected ,it was hosoek's idea to bring Taehyung to yoongi's apartmen.

But he made sure to make him eat healthy. if it was through phone or through someone. He demanded everyday to bring Taehyung healthy fruits. jungkook had to go market to bring whatever the younger was saying otherwise he would be in trouble if he refused, because the younger would throw tantrums and because of the younger his boyfriend would beat him. upon reaching the apartment he was greeted by Taehyung sitting on bed resting on headboard.

The male smiled at him as he made his way over to him.

Sitting beside the male he fished out a bottle of banana milk from his pocket.
Handing to the male.
Taehyung looked at him amused with a raised brow. how in the world the jungkook giving his favourite drink to him?

"You want it or not?"

Jungkook who was hanging his hand in air, asked.

"Uhm... May i know who told you to give me this..? your favourite milk for wich you have fought with me several times ?"

The male asked with a teasing smile on his beautiful features loving the way other had a evident pout.

"Why i can't give to my brother?"

Jungkook felt offend

"It's not like that jungkookie.. you know what i mean... Tell me who told you to bring this to me"

The male bite his lips remembering the words the younger had said.
'dont ever let him know that it was me ok?'
He glanced at the male again and smiled awkwardly.

"I have somthing important I'll be back"

The male was about to step out but again stopped because of the other.

"First tell me... hosoek right?"

The male asked internally screaming but remained calm from outside.

The other sighed. It was useless to hide something from him.

"Yeah... That brat told me to give my banana milk to you since it was out of stock in market"

"Heyy don't you ever say something like that to my baby.. he is still caring for me aww"

The male started daydreaming like a love sick puppy, eyes twinkling.

Jungkook just sighed and left the room.


"It's not like that Minnie. i will forgive him tonight, but after punishing him"

The older said as he smirked mentally. Already planned on what he will do tonight with the elder.

"Hmm that's my hyung!! Tell me details after okay.. now prepare yourself. imma call Jungkook, i couldn't spend my time with my kookie."

The both brothers have been living together since that incident. they didn't have their own time as Jimin would always be buzy with hosoek and jungkook would be with his hyungs.
Smiling internally he called jungkook and they were already in jungkook's car driving to their destination.

"Finally i have my chim!!!"

Jungkook sang out loud doing mini dance on his seat.

The boy chuckled at his cuteness.

Adorable Beggar || Vhope/Jikook Where stories live. Discover now