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"Yoongles..?", "Seokie..!!!","hoseok..?"

Yoongi said in little embarrassment ,
The girl said in little bit shock and embarrassed
Hoseok said with shock evidence in his face.
And Jimin just looked at them like a lost kid.

"Hoseok what are you doing here..have your class ended ?"

The girl asked

"Yess miss..and i came to go with yoongles"


"Yess..!!yoongles, my yoongi hyung"

The girl looked at him while thinking deeply then widened her eyes.

"Yoongi..you were talking about this hoseok?"

Yoongi nodded a little bit confused as to why the girl is so shocked.

"Oh my...yoongi i really love you so much.."
the girl hugged yoongi mumbling
'love you'

" I know you love me so much but why are you so happy and shocked..? I have already told you about hoseok..do you know him?"

"Yoongles she is my angel i was talking about that day. my best friend Miss y/n"

He said but the scene from a minute ago didn't leave his mind.
He is really curious to know.

"Ohk..!! So you're my seokies's angel ?".

The girl nodded happily. She is really happy that yoongi is his gaurdian.
He just said to y/n that a boy named hoseok will be study in this School.but didn't know he was taking Jung hoseok.

"And hoseok he is your brother Minnie?"

The girl asked looking at a boy standing there just listening to their conversations. The girl teaches in every class and she has tought in jimin's class too and knows Jimin but didn't know he is 'Minnie' hoseok's brother.

Hoseok nodded.the girl squealled pinching jimin's cheeks

"jiminah you never told about yourself that you're hoseok's brother."

"You have never asked miss and i didn't know you're that angel that hyung was talking about"

Jimin said smiling,  rubbing his cheeks. The girl really pinched hard.

"So..may i know what was happening here?"
Hoseok asked crossing his arms over his chest.

The girl's face reddened

"Since..you have already seen us.."

Yoongi started scratching back of his neck grinning awkwardly.
"She is my girlfriend y/n"

"Ok...I'm really happy..!! For my two most favourite peoples...yayy!!"

"Kiss again kiss again kiss again!!!"

Jimin started yelling clapping hands

The couple started panic what if someone from staff or any student saw them...

"Yahh Minnie behave"

Hoseok scolded his brother.

"Jiminah see... don't say this to anyone in school ok..?..otherwise they will talk bad about y/n behind her back"

Yoongi said seriously
He nodded obediently

"But can't you kiss here ?"

"Nope Jimin baby next time now go home "

Y/n said patting his head. And ruffling hoseok's hair.

"Ok by by miss"

Both boys said waving their hands.

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