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Today is the day hoseok and Jimin would be going to school.
As usual Namjin already went to their office, Jungkook and Taehyung went to their uni.
And yoongi is in charge to make both the  brothers to get ready, their breakfast, polishing their shoes , their lunch box and then take them to their school.
Basically yoongi is here to babysit these two.

"Hoseok , jimina-ah everything is done ?...your books and everything?"

"Yes yoongles everything is done let's go..!!!"

Yoongi smiled at their excitement and led them to car after locking the mansion.

"So hoseok i have talked to your English Tr. I have told her about you that my two family members would be studying from today so if something happens, tell to her ok..she is really good and sweet"

"Ok yoongles !!"

"Yes.... and jiminah you no need to be nervous just your classes are different but after that you'll be with hyung ok...?"

Jimin nodded smiling.

Reaching their destination all got out of car.

"Ok hoseok take care of yourself and jiminah ok...i will come and fetch you in noon..ok"

"Ok by by yoongles"

"By by yoongi hyung"

"By babies"

Yoongi waved at them and drove back to mansion.


Fortunately there were some students who helped hoseok and Jimin to find their classes.



The class tr. Said patting her duster on table.

"Today we have a new student..."
"Mr. Jung plz introduce yourself"

The tr. Said smiling to the new student.

"Hello...my name is Jung hoseok, I'm 16 year old...hope we will get along."

He finished smiling a little bit nervous .

"Ok...hoseok go sit with her she is good at studies and she will help you with everything."

Tr. Said pointing towards the said girl who smiled towards hoseok.

"Jisoo raise your hand"

The tr. said and jisoo giggled a little then raised her hand.He went and sat beside her.

"Hi... I'm jisoo, nice to meet you"

She said smiling heartly

"Hello... I'm hoseok but you can call me whatever you want...and nice to meet you too"

He said smiling heartly.

(Heart shaped smile duo uwu)

"Ok hoseok let's pay attention to class then we will talk about ourselves ok.."

She said opening book of whatever subject.

                    - Break time -

It was break time hoseok and jisoo were packing things and now going to cafeteria.

"Heyy hoesok how are you ?"

The boy with blue hair asked grinning

"His name is hoseok, h. o. s. e. o. k "

Jisoo said putting her hands on waist

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