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Hosoek was in his room wearing his clothes after freshing up. coming downstairs he saw Taehyung and Lara sitting on couch with some office papers scattered on table while they were talking and smiling and eating something that may be Taehyung made. it's been 15 days since Lara is living with them much more for hosoek's liking.

Realising his presence Taehyung exclaimed happily

"Seokie come have snacks with us"

Hoseok came running and took a cookie while looking curiously at papers about that they were discussing.

Lara planed to work with Taehyung in his company. that is what she is discussing with him.

Taehyung rubbed his forehead with with his thumb and forefinger sighing deeply.

"These works really sometimes frustrate me, i think i need coffie a little to relax"

He said and was about to get up but hosoek stopped him.

"Tae, you sit here, i will make for you"

"Oh for me too hosoek"

Lara exclaimed grinning at him.

Hosoek smiled a little and nodded.

He brought two cups of coffees in tray holding he gave a cup to Taehyung who thanked him smiling and he came towards the girl but stumbled at somthing at floor making the coffie to spill some over the girls hand and some on papers.

The girl screamed mostly dramatically while holding her dress which had some spots of coffie

"What the hell hosoek!!!..."

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something but closed immediately when saw a little smirk on the girl's face.

"Ahh...it's hurting..!!"

The girl said furrowing her eyebrows hissing.

Taehyung came and helped her and asked hosoek to bring first aid kit he applied some ointment on her skin.

"I'm sorry, i..i j...just stumbled on s...something. "

He couldn't help but stutter looking at Taehyung's furrowed anger filled eyes. he didn't just stumbled but ruined Taehyung's office work paper and accidentally hurted Lara.

"Go to your room and don't come out after completing 6 pages of writing"

He just nodded and quickly walked towards his room with head hung low.

Taehyung looked back towards Lara who immediately placed hurt face when he looked back

"You okay..?"

He asked concerned

"Yess tae I'm okay, you didn't have to shout at him, he didn't do that on perpous"

"Still.... he should do properly and carefully whatever he is doing...!! I really spoiled him so much.."

Rubbing his forehead he sighed and plopped down on couch again

"Want some relief..? Like i used to give when you get frustrated or tensed...?"

The girl said with a little smile

Taehyung smiled and nodded.
The girl came behind couch and placed her slender hand on his shoulder giving little squeeze

Taehyung sighed in satisfaction and relaxed a bit. After giving him shoulder massage for ten minutes the girl excused herself and went to his friend's house to meet him.

The entire time hoseok was writing his work or rather i say his punishment.  He only completed 4 pages and was exhausted already. he sighed and thought to take rest a bit while resting, his mind wondered about the incident that happened not so long ago. he swear he saw Lara's foot when he stumbled but why would that girl do to him something like that, may be she placed her foot accidentally when he was walking towards her, or may be on perpous.....

And what about that smirk....?

Ohh she definitely did on perpous
That booger face girl!!!

His chains of thaughts came to halt when Taehyung entered in room.

May be he should tell Taehyung that it was not his mistake and the girl caused that and got him scolded from Taehyung and on top of that, got him punishment to write the whole fvcking story.

He opened his mouth but close again when Taehyung spoke



"I asked...you completed...what i gave you...?"

He said in stirn voice.

"Why...why should I get punishment when i didnt even do that on perpous...?"

Taehyung looked at him disbelief.
First he caused the mess and now raising his voice at him.

"I didn't say you did that on perpous..
You should have walked carefully..and that mess wouldn't have happened"

"Oh..? Then ask that noona to sit carefully.... no one sits like panda on couch spreading her legs"

He said and pouted a little why he should get punishments... just why..?

"Watch your language hoseok!"

Hoseok closed his mouth at the stirn voice and lowered his gaze while mumbling curses to that girl who got him into this situation.

"What..? Say that out loud i wanna hear too"

Taehyung said with stirn look on his face not believing his hoseok is acting bratty lately, always whine like a child at little things.

"She did that on perpous to make you angry "

"What...hoseok are you out of your mind..? how can you say this about your noona...?"

"Tae... I swear... please believe me..."

"Ohh hoseok just shut up and go to sleep!!!"

This caused hosoek to flinch a little as he hung his head low and crawled towards bed burying himself in blanket.

Taehyung stood looking at the lump on bed while regretting, he sighed as he walked in bathroom to do his night routine.

Taehyung came and saw hoseok still in that position, carefully he crawled on bed beside Hoseok and scooped the fragile figure in his arms. he removed the blanket only from his head and face to make his head pop out and whole body was covered in blanket like a newborn baby.







"Seokiee...i know you're not sleeping look at me here...."

He said and took his chin in his thumb and finger lifting his head to look at his innocence black round eyes which is now filling with tears.

"Baby....shhh don't...sorry i was just carried away...I'm sorry baby..."

He said while wiping his tears and rocking back and forth.

"It's okay tae....it's my fault to raise my voice...and i ruined your papers too....I'm sorry"

He said and rubbed his eyes

"No baby... it's ok...those weren't that important...come let's go to sleep...we will talk later about that..."

He made hosoek to laid on bed and he laid beside him while bringing him closer. he kissed his forehead and caressed his hair to make him sleep.

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