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Taehyung is working in his office.
It was break time and some were having their lunch and some were still working.
He was sitting on his chaire immersed in his work but a knock on his door made him a little flinch. he cleared his throat and mumbled a 'come in'

The door opened revealing a slender figure standing at door smiling at him widely.

"Ohh Hi Lara..! How come you're here..?have a seat.."

The girl smiled again and walked towards the table sitting in front of him.

"Well... I was passing by from here so thought to meet you too and i came here to say it's lunch time you should take rest little."

"Oh right but larii i still have some work remaining after examining them i will come"

He said and again everted his eyes on papers.

The girl sighed and stoop up walking beside him she took the papers and held his arms.

"Tae... your health is more important don't you know that...? Come let's eat togather, you can do that later."

Taehyung sighed and smiled a little

"You really care for me so much"

The girl grinned happily

"Ofcs taetae... you're my best friend after all.."

"Yeah yeah....you go I'm coming in ten minutes"

"Okay...but come fast I'm waiting"

Taehyung nodded smiling. The girl existed room and walked out.
While walking a figure bumped with her making her stumble a little and the figure landed on his butt on floor.

"Aee..!! I'm sorry miss i was in a hurry"

The figure apologised without looking up but when he looked, a displeasure look plastered on his face.

"Seriously hosoek you can't even walk properly!!!"

"I'm sorry i said i was in hurry"

Hosoek said looking at her with not so pleasingly

"Well.. what are you doing here?"

The girl asked crossing her arms tapping her heels with a raised brow.

"Well this is my boyfriend's office and i came here to give him lunch which i prepared for him"

"Well sorry to say but Taehyung already ate with me."

Hosoek looked at her with a little pout not liking his Taehyung already ate with Lara ?

"But.... I made him his favourite dishes"

He said with a little pout while looking at his hand holding the box.

"Anyways I'm going to give him if he will be hungry then will have this."

He said started walking towards his office.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows with anger and put her foot in his direction making him fall on ground with lunch box his chin hit the hard floor.

He stoop up removing dust from his suit and glared at her.

"What was that...!!?

He asked angrily

"What do you mean..?"

The girl said with furrowed eyebrows.

"I said...why you did that...!!?"

"What I did..?"

"Don't play innocent i know you very well...!"

He said raising his voice a little bit.

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