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At Same night jungkook took Jimin in his room saying he wants to see jimin's dance moves again.
And Taehyung said hoseok to come in his room he will give his gift there.

"Tae bear..?"

Hosoek asked peeking through door.

No response


He again said and stepped in room
He went towards bed and saw Taehyung in front of his wardrobe shuffling something in there.

He came behind him and put his palms over his eyes

"Seokiee ??"

Taehyung asked making hosoek surprised

"How u know I'm hosoek.?"

He asked amazed

"Oh seokiee i live with you..why i won't know?"

He said chuckling.

Hosoek removed his hands Taehyung motioned him to come towards the bed and sit.

Both sat and Taehyung brought a small box from behind.

"Seok..open it."

He said handing the small box.

He opened eyes glistening with shine and the bright shine of the locket with heart reflecting his sparkling eyes.

He opened eyes glistening with shine and the bright shine of the locket with  heart reflecting his sparkling eyes

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"Tae..this so beautiful..!!!"

He said smiling so brightly

"There is one more..."

Taehyung said and brought another small box from behind.


He said to which hosoek immediately opened and again smiled with heart eyes.

"Taetae this is really so beautiful!!"

He exclaimed with lots of emotions he doesn't recognise yet. his happyness is something else compare to other happiness.
The joy and warm he got just from Taehyung's gifts.

He don't know if the overwhelming happiness is because of gifts or the one who gave him.

He don't know if the overwhelming happiness is because of gifts or the one who gave him

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Adorable Beggar || Vhope/Jikook Where stories live. Discover now