❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭❞

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The morning was a beautiful one, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze in the air. The birds were chirping cheerfully, and a few crows were flying overhead. Cats could be seen wandering the streets, searching for breakfast.

As Y/n walked through the city, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Today was the day she and Willy were going to meet with their wedding planner to finalize all the details for their big day.

As she walked, she caught a whiff of coffee coming from an unknown office. She couldn't see who was inside, but she could imagine a woman sitting at a desk, a file of Y/n open on her computer and another file of Willy Wonka next to it. 

The woman was probably doing some research on the two, getting to know them better in order to create the perfect wedding. As Y/n was about to enter the building where the wedding planner worked. It was a firm which did just that, planned weddings, the most popular one in the city it was. 

However, little did Y/n know that the woman at the desk was actually a private investigator, hired by her brother to gather information on Willy. 

Richard believed that Willy was a dangerous man and was trying to protect his sister from him. The investigator had been working tirelessly, digging up everything she could find on Willy and his past. 

As Y/n walked by, unaware of the investigation, she couldn't have known the drama that was unfolding behind the closed doors of the office. "Hello, Mrs. Evans. It's nice to see you again." Y/n said, the two women coincidentally met yesterday, however, it was on Richard's request. 

"Hello, Y/n. It's nice to see you too. How are you and Willy doing?" she asked with a smile. Mrs Evans was a petite woman in her early 50s with short, curly salt-and-pepper hair. 

She had a friendly face with warm, brown eyes and a perpetual smile. She was impeccably dressed in tailored suits and always wore a string of pearls. 

Mrs Evans was known for her attention to detail and her calm, professional demeanour. She was patient and understanding with her clients, always taking the time to listen to their visions and help them plan the perfect wedding. 

Despite her busy schedule, Mrs Evans always makes time for her clients and goes above and beyond to ensure that their special day is everything they dreamed of.

"We're doing well, thank you. Just a little stressed with all the wedding planning, but we're excited about the big day." 

Y/n said, rubbing the back of her neck, she was ever so slightly nervous about how it would all look like and if Willy would be satisfied, as he had few wishes. 

He allowed Y/n to plan everything, as he loved her so much, he did want to plan it, but, Y/n said she'd take it upon herself, and Richard said he'd help her with whatever he could. 

"I can imagine. But don't worry, we'll make sure everything is perfect for you and Willy. So, tell me a little bit about Willy. What's he like?"

"Well, Willy is a kind and compassionate person. He's always thinking about others and making sure they're happy. He's also very intelligent and driven. He's always working on new projects and coming up with creative ideas." 

She said with a smile, thinking to Willy and his smart head, he's always been like that, and now she was marrying him, it made her calm down a bit. 

"That's wonderful. And what are his interests?" the woman asked, seeing that Y/n was slowly calming down, she was more than satisfied. 

"Willy is really interested in technology and innovation. He's always tinkering with gadgets and trying out new things. He also loves to read and learn new things. He's a bit of a history buff, and he's always reading up on different time periods and events."

"That's so interesting. Well, I have some ideas for the wedding that I think Willy will really appreciate. I think he'll love the blend of tradition and innovation that we have planned." she said as she wrote down some notes into her little notepad. 

"I'm sure he will. Thank you, Mrs. Evans. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us." Y/n said excitedly as she fiddled with her dress. 

"I'm looking forward to it, too. Let's make sure Willy and your special day is one to remember," she said with a soft smile, like a loving mother. 

"Thank you. I'll see you at the next meeting." Y/n bid Mrs Evans farewell and walked out of her office. 

As Y/n left the office, she couldn't help but feel excited about the wedding. She had a good feeling about Mrs Evans and was confident that she would help create the perfect day for her and Willy. 

As Mrs Evans sat down at her desk, she began to jot down everything that Y/n had told her about Willy. She was determined to gather as much information as possible on the man that Y/n was going to marry.

Once she had finished writing, Mrs Evans picked up the phone and dialled a number. After a few rings, a voice on the other end answered.


"Hello, is this Mr Slugworth?" Mrs Evans asked.

"Yes, it is. Who is this?"

"My name is Mrs. Evans. I'm a private investigator. I was hired by Richard L/n to gather information on Willy Wonka."

"Ah, I see. And what do you want to know?"

"I want to know everything. Anything you can tell me about Willy and his past."

"Well, I'm not sure how much I can tell you. I haven't seen Willy in years. But I can tell you that he was always a bit of an oddball. He was always coming up with strange inventions and ideas. And he had a bit of a rivalry with me at one point."

"A rivalry? What do you mean?"

"Willy and I used to be in the candy business together. But let's just say we had a falling out, and we've been enemies ever since."

Mrs Evans was intrigued by this information. She thanked Mr Slugworth for his time and hung up the phone, feeling like she was one step closer to uncovering the truth about Willy Wonka. 

Little did she know, Mr. Slugworth was actually not Mr. Slugworth, it was someone who had decided to impersonate the character in order to get back at Willy for a past deed. 

Mrs. Evans had no idea that the person she was talking to was so close to Y/n and that the information she was gathering could potentially cause chaos in the family...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now