17. A New Vampire

473 7 0

Pairing: Ric/Elena (M/f) hand

Prompt for Arkham_Alice from Ao3

Mikaelson Mansion

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Late Afternoon

Elijah found Klaus coming out of Wes and Aaron's new quarters grumbling.

"Problem, Niklaus?" Elijah smiled. He found the doctor to be interesting, but Elijah wasn't sure that he should be given free rein of the house so soon. Yet Niklaus did what he wanted these days.

"That young man is insufferable, the boy, not the doctor," Klaus complained. "Wes needs to rein him in or I shall do it myself! 'Didn't want to take a bath...' He smelled like a saloon!"

Elijah shrugged, "Tis not your problem right now. I am sure the boy will adjust. Plus, we will need his monies to support our venture here. Don't look at me that way, I will replace it in time..."

Klaus had never wanted for coin, but in the modern age, it wasn't as easy as compelling a landowner to sign over his fortune to the vampire. There were records now and legal ramifications, and taxes. Klaus would have to let Elijah take over the finances as Klaus had no patience for legal matters.
Klaus said, "We will drain the other Augustines' bank accounts, as we find them. Is it necessary for you to embezzle from the Whitmore child? It seems like an overreach."

Elijah wasn't sure what he was getting at.

"You never cared about such things before. Please let these matters to me. I will take care of our investments," Elijah noted. "You have other matters to attend to. Namely, Stefan and Damon...Damon has been sulking all day and dipped into the drink again. I did not say a word!"

Klaus put a hand on Elijah's arm, grateful his brother would look over the expenses. But Klaus wasn't looking forward to the situation with the brothers.

"Brother, you may say what you wish to my son. I am sure he will benefit from your guidance, as I oft have. As we all have, in fact, though Rebekah rarely heeded your wisdom, anymore than she listened to mine. Thank you for taking care of the financial matters, you know it gives me a head ache worse than that aneurysm spell that Garden district witch did on me a century ago," Klaus rambled. "Okay, I am off to heal this rift between brothers. Wish me good fortune."

Elijah smiled indulgently as his own little brother.
"You ought to be an expert by now, as we have all had our own issues. Just make it clear to Stefan that Damon will not ever do that again. And make it clear to Damon what the consequences are, if he does," Elijah said, walking away. "Now, I must relieve Rebekah, she is trying to do Play-doh with the children and I think she might have gotten some in her hair."

Klaus sighed and went to find Damon. He loathed the thought of hiding him, but he knew that the brothers needed to make up. But something was troubling him...Damon had seemed puzzled by his own reaction. Klaus decided to give Ric a call.

Gilbert Residence

Jeremy woke up from his nap with a start. He couldn't believe that he had fallen into such a deep sleep after Ric had paddled him. Remembering the punishment, he shifted and was surprised that his bottom seemed fine. Jeremy got up and examined his now white cheeks in the mirror before slipping on boxers and shorts. Maybe it was still a bit warm and there was a slight sore spot on his left cheek, but that was all.

He had dreamed of Anna, there was something mysterious about the dark haired girl. She was so different from the other girls at school and nothing like Vicki. Jeremy thought he should ask Matt how Vic was doing soon. He couldn't really see her in a rehab program. Many of the other burnouts who hung out at the graveyard had been through rehabs and laughed about it. Jeremy didn't miss that scene at all, he had never fit in there.

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