20. Speeding

555 6 1

Pairing: Ric/Jeremy (M/m) hand, belt

Elijah-Klaus/Enzo-Stefan (MM/Mm) hand, mild

Mikaelson Mansion

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Stefan tried again to call Elena, but there was no answer. He had spent a restless night on Kol's couch, barely sleeping. Even with the wax earplugs, he could hear his chainsaw like snoring.

"Screw this," Stefan mumbled, pushing away his algebra homework. He could do it in his sleep, but it still was due tomorrow. Elijah had Enzo sitting at his office desk, working on a reading book.

"Problem?" Elijah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I can't get ahold of Elena. I think I'm going to just drive over there," Stefan shared.

"I thought you were restricted to the house?" Elijah pressed.

"Nope. I'm off the hook," Stefan shared. "And that was Damon."

"Damon and Niklaus have been in the garage all afternoon," Elijah noted. "Enzo's been working hard. Why don't you take him with you?"

Stefan paused, he really didn't want to take Enzo, but didn't know how to bow out gracefully.

"Ah, sure," Stefan said finally. "But I don't know how long I'll be there."

"That's fine. Dinner is 6 sharp. You should have enough time. Call if you'll be later," Elijah said lightly.

Stefan frowned, not used to be accountable to these older vampires. "Okay, will do."

Enzo hopped up, saying, "I am ready. Maybe I could drive your motorcar?"

Stefan laughed harshly, "I don't think so. You don't even have a license."

"What's a license?" Enzo asked.

Stefan rolled his eyes and walked out, with Enzo trailing after.

Elijah couldn't help but remind them to behave themselves.

"Have fun, boys," Elijah said, straightening Enzo's work. He was checking through Enzo and Kol's punishment work. Kol was a fine writer, but Enzo did not seem to grasp the basics of punctuation and mechanics. They would have to work on that before they enrolled him in further education.

"Thanks," Enzo breathed, once they got to the garage. "My arse was getting numb and my hand is aching. I don't think I ever wrote so much in one sitting."

"Yeah?" Stefan asked. "I guess there isn't much need to write when you were imprisoned, huh?"

"Damon and I used to use the walls of our cell. Your brother isn't the most patient instructor, but besides plot our escape, we had little else to do...That is, when we weren't being cut up," Enzo grimaced. "They cut my organs out over and over again for years, so I guess the writing isn't that bad."

"It sounds terrible," Stefan winced, looking around the garage. "I didn't even know Damon was missing. Some brother I am."

Enzo stopped, "How would you have known? You two had lived apart for years. The Augustines were clever and wily, they didn't have many leaks."

Stefan shrugged, "After the war, I figured Damon just wasn't interested. Say, they didn't get much done in this garage. Where are they?"

Enzo shrugged, "Maybe they took a break? So you had a lot of ladies after the war? I heard that was a happy time."
"I suppose. There were a couple of woman, but no one serious," Stefan mentioned, getting into the driver seat. "I didn't know what love was until I met Elena...but now we are just friends."

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