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Today my dad and I have a match against Rey Mysterio and his son Dominik, and you might be thinking, 'Sasha you'll get hurt because you're going up against men' or 'Why is she going up against two men' my dad convinced the producers and the management team to let me fight, I'm a tough cookie, I can literally lift my best friend, Damien up, so yeah I'm strong.

This is my ring gear:

And this is my dad's:

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And this is my dad's:

We're matching, it was his idea actually, which I think is cute, but right now we're going around to the side of the building, because dad wants to drive the car in like he always does, so I decided to join him

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We're matching, it was his idea actually, which I think is cute, but right now we're going around to the side of the building, because dad wants to drive the car in like he always does, so I decided to join him.

The Mysterio's are in the ring, Finn, Damien and Rhea are ringside for us, dad stopped the car at the end of the ramp, I hopped out and so did he, I copied his pose:

And we got into the ring, Dominik wanted to start off the match against my dad, but before dad could lock up with him, I tagged myself in, dad looked at me with a smirk then he looked to Dominik "You're in trouble" he said as he stood on the ring ...

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And we got into the ring, Dominik wanted to start off the match against my dad, but before dad could lock up with him, I tagged myself in, dad looked at me with a smirk then he looked to Dominik "You're in trouble" he said as he stood on the ring apron, Dominik and I locked up, I flipped him over me, I stood back up and looked at him, he looked a tad embarrassed so I laughed at him, he stood up using the help of the ropes, Rhea distracted him, I pinned Dominik but he kicked out at one, I grabbed his hand and purposely swung him into the ref, I stood up, a smirk plastered on my face, I pointed to my dad and he smirked too, Finn and Damien attacked Rey, dad handed me a steel chair and I whacked it off Dominik's back, the ref was standing back up and so was Dominik, I passed the chair to Dominik and threw myself to the canvas, "Ref he cheated, he just hit my daughter with that chair" my dad complained "Did you hit her with that chair?" Charles asked (The ref) "No, no I didn't, she hit me with it" Dominik tried to convinced the ref but Charles wasn't having it, I pinned Dominik and we won the match, I quickly rolled out of the ring, Rhea patted me on my shoulder and she laughed at Dominik and Rey.

Once we all got backstage dad and Rey shook hands "You know, I really don't appreciate what you done out there" Dominik told me "What do you expect? You were fighting the daughter of Eddie Guerrero" I said and shrugged my shoulders "It's not fair" he complained "Dominik, you're dad isn't complaining about it, so why are you?" I asked him "Because unlike my dad I'm not afraid to speak up" Dominik told me "Okay so if you're not afraid to speak up, then say what you told me to my dad" I said "No- w-wait" he said but I didn't care what he had to say "Hey dad, Rey, come here for a second" I asked and waved them over "What's up?" Dad asked "Dominik, go ahead, tell them what you just told me" I said but he didn't say anything "Dominik here is complaining to me that is wasn't fair for me to cheat when the ref was knocked down, he doesn't appreciate it, I mean I don't know why, it's in the script, I'm not just gonna go off script because I don't want to hurt poor little Dom Dom's feelings" I explained to them "Even if it was scripted, she's a Guerrero, what do you expect" Dad said with a laugh, "That's exactly what I said" I replied.

Everyone is on the bus, including dad and Rey, I'm sitting in between Rhea and my dad, and sitting in front of us, there's Damien, Finn, Rey and Dominik, now that wouldn't be a problem if I didn't keep catching Dominik staring at me, I caught him three times and if I catch him again I'm announcing it.
Just like I said if I catch Dom staring at me I'll announce it, and guess what, I caught him again "I think Dominik has something on his mind, or he's just tryna intimidate me" I announced "Why?" Dad asked "Well for starters I caught him staring at me four times already, and he hasn't said a word since we got on the bus" I answered "You know what that sounds like?" Damien asked "What does it sound like?" I asked "It sounds like Dominik has a crush" Damien, Finn and my dad said in unison, "Wait Dominik do you have a crush on her?" Rey asked "No, that's ridiculous, I mean look at her she's ugl- I mean she's not my type" Dominik was going to call me ugly until my dad leaned forward and gave him a look "Alright fair enough" Rey said.

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