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November 12
I woke up the next morning at 9:00am, I got dressed into this:

(She still has purple hair)I grabbed my stuff and left my hotel room, I then knocked on dads door but I got no answer, "Dad?" I asked through the crack of the door, I pulled out my phone and called him and he answered "Hey sweetie, what's up?" He ...

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(She still has purple hair)
I grabbed my stuff and left my hotel room, I then knocked on dads door but I got no answer, "Dad?" I asked through the crack of the door, I pulled out my phone and called him and he answered "Hey sweetie, what's up?" He asked "Are you up? We have to be at the arena for ten, I'm standing outside" I told him "Hold on, I'll let you in" he said, I hung up and the door opened and dad stood there smiling at me "Good morning sleepy head" I spoke and he chuckled, he moved aside and I walked in "I'll be out in a minute I'm gonna get dressed" Dad said, he picked out some clothes and walked into the bathroom to get changed.

We got to the arena right on time, Vince put dad in a match against Rey, I'm ringside for dad and Chavo is with me, I'm still wearing what I was wearing this morning, Rey had dad set up for the 619 but Chavo distracted the ref and I pulled dad out of the ring, "Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded, "Alright, hit the ref but make it look like an accident, I'll have a steel chair waiting for you" I told him and he nodded and rolled back into the ring, dad swung Rey into the ref by 'Accident' I already had a steel chair, I handed it to dad and he slammed it against Rey's back, Dominik rolled into the ring so I got into the ring, I grabbed the steel chair off my dad and I hit Dominik with it, he rolled out of the ring in pain, I gave the chair back to dad and I rolled out of the ring just as the ref was starting to stand up again, Rey stood up, dad tossed the chair to Rey and he laid on the canvas of the ring, "Ref Rey just hit my dad with that chair" I said and stood on the apron "Are you telling the truth?" The ref asked "Did you seriously just ask her that?" Chavo asked "Of course I'm telling the truth, end the match I need to see if my dad is okay" I demanded and somehow the ref believed me and he ended the match by disqualification, dad rolled out of the ring and we walked backstage.

"Hey dad I was wondering if you wanted to..." I said and turned to face my dad and he didn't look to well "Are you alright?" I asked him "Yeah why?" He asked "Well you don't look good, do you want to go to trainers office?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"Are we going to the next city?" I asked dad as we drove to the hotel "No, we'll drive in the morning, they don't need us there until four o'clock" Dad replied and I nodded "Hey Chavo are you alright back there?" I asked "Yeah I'm good, just tired" he answered and I agreed with him because I'm wrecked.

We got to the hotel, me and Chavo stayed with dad for a little bit, until it hit midnight, "Okay, call me if you need anything alright? I love you dad, I do" I said and held my fist up and we fist bumped "I love you too, I'll see you in the morning alright?" He asked and I nodded "Of course" I said, I hugged him for the last time then I went into my room, I got a shower and I went to bed after texting my mom, dad and Chavo that I love them.

November 13th
BANG BANG BANG, I woke up to banging on my door, I jumped out of bed and immediately answered it "Sasha, we're here to inform you that your dad hasn't responded to his wake up call" the producers of total divas told me (Yes she's on total divas) "Do you have the spare keycard for his room?" They asked "What do you mean he hasn't responded to his wake up call?" I asked confused "We tried to wake him three times, he's not responding" they told me, I grabbed the spare keycard dad gave me, I pushed passed the producers and I unlocked dads door "Dad?" I called out, nothing, "Dad? Where are you?" I called out, no response, I looked in the bedroom, he wasn't there, I looked in the kitchen, no sign of him, I looked in the living room, nothing, then I walked into the bathroom, and I screamed at the sight, dad was laying face down in the bathtub but he still had clothes on, I didn't hesitate to pull him out "GET CHAVO" I screamed at the producers, a man ran out of the room and I looked at dad, "I.." he said "Dad, dad, please, please don't leave me" I begged "I..Love..you" he managed to get out, his eyes locked with mine, "I love you too, that's why you can't leave me" I said as tears rolled down my face, his eyes then drifted away from mine, Chavo ran into the room, "Oh my god" I heard him say, dad was laying on my lap with his head in my hands "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" Chavo screamed at the top of his lungs "Dad, dad don't do this, please don't do this, please tell me this is some sick joke you're pulling" I begged, I couldn't breathe at this point, I was hyper ventilating, I checked his pulse and my body stopped "He doesn't have a pulse" I said, the producers put the cameras down at this point, I put dad laying on the floor and I started doing CPR, "1..2..3" I counted then I done mouth to mouth, then went back to pumping his chest but I got nothing, I done this for twenty minutes.

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