I'm sorry

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I woke up around 11:00am, I walked downstairs and see mom sitting at the kitchen table with Stephanie "Steph? What are you doing here?" I asked her "Well, we have Raw here in this town, so I thought I'd check up on you guys while I'm here, how are you?" She asked "Steph I wanna quit" I told her and her face dropped "Why?" She asked me "I'm not gonna go in depth about it, but I don't recognize myself anymore and I need time to myself so I can find myself again, I can't go out ever night and pretend like I'm okay when really, I'm not" I told her "Sasha you can't just quit because your life is too hard, I know that sounds harsh, what I'm trying to say is, you can have as much time off as you need, because when you do find yourself again, you'll realize that you still love wrestling" Stephanie told me "How do you know that?" I asked her "Because my brother went through the exact same thing your going through, he lost his best friend ten years ago, he went into this state of depression that I couldn't even recognize him, he never left his room, he wouldn't even show up for work, so we gave him time off to find himself again and when he did, he came back to work, and he's been better ever since" Stephanie told me "Can I come to the show tonight? To tell everyone that I'm taking a break again?" I asked her "Of course you can" she said.

I'm out in the ring sitting down on a chair, I have a microphone in my hand, my free hand rests under my chin with my index finger on my lips, because I'm thing about what I could say to the fans:

"You're probably wondering why I'm out here cutting a promo when I'm suppose to have a match, so I'm gonna tell you all why, I'm not gonna go into to much detail, but lately, I've realized that I'm not myself, I haven't been acting like myself, to...

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"You're probably wondering why I'm out here cutting a promo when I'm suppose to have a match, so I'm gonna tell you all why, I'm not gonna go into to much detail, but lately, I've realized that I'm not myself, I haven't been acting like myself, to you guys yeah, you'd think I'm acting normal, but that's because there's a show going on, and on the inside I'm breaking, see, what you guys don't know, is if there's something going on in a wrestlers life, we can't let that get in the way of our work, so we have to come out here 364 days a week pretending that we're okay, and most times we are okay, but there's always gonna be them days where you feel defeated, and that's what's happening to me, I'm at a point in my life right now where I can't pretend that I'm okay and that I'm happy, so I'm taking another break from WWE right now, mainly for myself, but it's also for you guys, I know you guys want me to stay, but if I do stay, I won't be wrestling at the best of my ability and I don't want to let you guys down every night when I'm out here, so when I leave, I'm gonna focus on me for a little bit, then when I make my return I'll be better then ever, I'll be wrestling way past my abilities" I told the fans as I stood up off the chair and as tears formed in my eyes "So, I will be taking a break, and I will be coming back, I don't know when, but I will, I love you guys" I said then got out of the ring and walked backstage after taking selfies with some fans.

I just got home, I walked into the living room and sat beside mom "Honey, are you okay?" She asked, I shook my head and leaned into her and she hugged me while I cried, "Mom" I said as I pulled away from her "Yeah?" She asked "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean any of it, I'm sorry for disappearing and not answering your texts or your calls, I'm sorry, I'm a shitty daughter and I'm sorry" I told her "Sasha it's okay, your safe, that's all I care about" she told me and I smiled as I wiped my tears away.


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