That's so sweet of you

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Today, is the start of the lead up to WrestleMania,
Chavo, myself and a lot of other WWE superstars have meet and greets and and we have to take some pictures with some fans, this is what I'm wearing for today:

Today, is the start of the lead up to WrestleMania,Chavo, myself and a lot of other WWE superstars have meet and greets and and we have to take some pictures with some fans, this is what I'm wearing for today:

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(Minus the bag)

I then left my hotel room and made my way to Chavo's.

We're now at the meet and greet place, the que for mine and Chavo's was going out of the door, Chavo and I agreed to having a conjoined meet and greet because neither of us could do it by ourselves.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you" I said as a littler girl walked over to us, she was crying "Aw sweetie don't cry, it's okay" I told her and she just nodded "Do you want me to sign that for you?" I asked her "Yeah please, Chavo, can you sign it too?" The girl asked "Of course I'll sign it" Chavo told her with a smile, I signed the photo of me and Chavo and I handed it to my uncle for him to sign it.

We met a lot of fans, Chavo and I are on our lunch break, "Hey, when do we have that meeting tomorrow?" I asked my uncle "At four, but be ready an hour or two before because they could change the time" Chavo told me "Alright, got it, thanks" I said and he nodded.

When we ate our food we walked back out and we sat down together and the security pulled back the rope to let a girl through "Hi, you probably get this a lot, but I really am you're biggest fan, and I can't believe I'm talking to you guys right now, I'm honored" The girl said and I smiled "Thank you, that means a lot, truly, do you want us to sign anything?" Chavo asked and the girl nodded, she handed me a drawing of me and my dad "Oh, wow...this is amazing, that's so sweet of you" I told the girl "Where do you want me to sign it?" I asked "No, you can keep that, can you sign this instead?" She asked as she handed us a poster of myself and Chavo on it and I nodded, me and Chavo signed it "Thank you, again for the drawing, it's good, I'm going to frame it when I get home" I told her and she smiled and thanked us then she left, I looked at the drawing in awe, this is what it looks like:

this is amazing, that's so sweet of you" I told the girl "Where do you want me to sign it?" I asked "No, you can keep that, can you sign this instead?" She asked as she handed us a poster of myself and Chavo on it and I nodded, me and Chavo signed...

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"Cmon dad kick out" I shouted as Rey pinned my dad and he kicked out thankfully, dad was laying by the ropes, the ref got distracted as Rey wouldn't let go of the ropes as he kicked dad so I pulled dad out of the ring when the ref wasn't looking, "What's going on with you?" I asked him "Nothing, why?" He asked "Because, it looks like you're distracted, is everything alright?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah, I'm fine" he  said and I nodded "Alright, back into the ring, I'll distract the ref, here, I brought this out" I said and handed him this:

He smiled at me "Go, you're gonna get counted out" I said and he nodded and he rolled back into the ring, I stood up onto the apron "Hey, Ref, c'mere, I need to ask you something" I said and motioned for the ref to walk towards me "What is it?" He...

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He smiled at me "Go, you're gonna get counted out" I said and he nodded and he rolled back into the ring, I stood up onto the apron "Hey, Ref, c'mere, I need to ask you something" I said and motioned for the ref to walk towards me "What is it?" He asked "Is my baby hairs sticking up? I feel like they are" I asked "No, you're fine" he said, I looked behind him and seen my dad hit Rey with the knuckle grip, I smiled and hopped off the apron with a smile, dad pinned Rey and he won the match and he also retained his title, I snatched dad's title off the guy, I rolled into the ring and handed it to him, he wrapped it around his waist and he told me to wrap my raw women's title around my waist so I did, I grabbed his hand and I raised it, dad put his hand on his head and we both smiled.

*End of the FlashBack*

I smiled at the memory, I wish dad could've stayed longer but that's just the way life is, it's unfair.

Right now, Chavo and I are taking pictures with fans, the que is quite long, we took a good few photos with fans and one teenage boy gave me and Chavo some drawings of us which are really cool, these kids are so talented my god.

Short chapter I know I'll make the next chapter long I promise.

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