I missed you so much

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So today is my birthday and my mom and dad have a surprise for me, this is my outfit:

So today is my birthday and my mom and dad have a surprise for me, this is my outfit:

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I was told my surprise is at the arena so mom, dad and myself made our way there.

When we got there I was put into a room with my mom and dad, there's was a box wrapped in wrapping paper, "Okay, when you open it, you gotta do just what it says to do okay?" Mom told me and I nodded, dad handed me the gift, I tore the paper off and it was a teddy bear, it's from build-a-bear and it has a 'press me' button on his right foot, "Go on, press it" dad said, I pressed it and a recording played, "Hey Sasha it's been awhile right? Look I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your 24th birthday but I do have a surprise for you, this is Chavo if you didn't get that already, but I want you to go to your locker room because I asked your mom and dad to put my present to you there" the voice spoke out "God it's been awhile since I heard Chavo's voice, it makes me miss him even more at this point" I said as a tear rolled down my face, Chavo and I are really close, but he has a family and he's very busy so I get why he can't come visit, it must be hard to travel with a bunch of small kids.

I'm outside of my locker room, I opened the door and seen Chavo standing there, I practically tackled him in a hug, "Oh my god I missed you so much" I said as I pulled away from the hug "I've missed you too" Chavo replied and I pulled him in for another hug.

Chavo joined mom, dad and I for the day, I caught him up on everything, it feels nice to have him around again "Hey Sasha, I have another surprise for you, so I'm gonna tell you now, I'm returning to WWE full time tomorrow, and I know your dad can't be in the ring right now so I'll be your manager and when your dad makes his in ring return I'll be there to help you both cheat to win" Chavo said and I smiled "This is gonna be so fun, oh my god I have to introduce you to Demi" I said excitedly "Who's Demi?" Chavo asked "She's my best friend, her in ring name is Rhea Ripley" I said and he nodded "Yeah I know her, I haven't actually met her though" he informed me "Well you're meeting her tomorrow so yeah" I said with a smile "Here's another surprise Chris Benoit is returning as general manager in two or three days" Dad told us "I love him, he's a cool guy, I love you're friendship with him, you guys are like best friends , I don't know, it's cool" I said and dad chuckled.

I'm in a match against Charlotte, Chavo is at ringside for me while Rick is ringside for Charlotte, Chavo distracted Charlotte so I took this opportunity to put her into my submission lock, the bank statement:

I'm in a match against Charlotte, Chavo is at ringside for me while Rick is ringside for Charlotte, Chavo distracted Charlotte so I took this opportunity to put her into my submission lock, the bank statement:

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And she tapped, I rolled out of the ring so she couldn't beat me up in the ring for making her tap out, Chavo wrapped his arm around my shoulders "Well done" he said and I thanked him then we walked backstage.

I'm at the gym right now with dad, this is my gym gear:

With a pair of white trainers, dad looked very pale so I stopped lifting the weights "Dad, are you feeling okay? And please don't lie to me" I asked him "No actually, I'm feeling a little faint" he replied "Okay, sit down, I'll go get your water" ...

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With a pair of white trainers, dad looked very pale so I stopped lifting the weights "Dad, are you feeling okay? And please don't lie to me" I asked him "No actually, I'm feeling a little faint" he replied "Okay, sit down, I'll go get your water" I put the weights down and I walked over to grab his water bottle and I gave it to him, "I don't want to worry you, but I'm getting shaky, and really warm" dad told me "Alright, let's stand outside so you can get some air" I said and he stood up, I put his arm around me so I could catch him if he falls, and I helped him outside and we sat down on a bench "Maybe you should take a break altogether, from working out, well, you can still workout but do light workouts, don't push yourself too hard because that can cause you to put stress on your body" I told him and he nodded "Sasha something isn't right" dad told me "Like what? What's wrong?" I asked him and he looked at me with a concerned and confused look on his face, "Dad, are you alright?" I asked him and he slowly nodded his head, "I think we should go home, you need to rest" I said and he agreed so we went home.

Dad is in the living room while mom and I are standing in the kitchen "Mom he didn't look good at all, he was so pale, now he has a bit of color in him but he looked like Casper the ghost, it was scary" I told my mom "I'll talk to him about it, but you know how stubborn he is" mom said "That's the problem, there's a clear difference between being stubborn and having health issues, mom he just turned 38, that's not good for him to be having health issues at that age, it worries me so much, I can't loose dad, you can't loose dad, the fans can't loose dad, but he won't listen to us, if he keeps going the way he's going god knows what is going to happen to him" I told her in a hushed tone "I know, but don't think too much about it, he'll be fine, he's a tough man, you and I both know that" mom said and she pulled me in for a hug, I couldn't help but cry, I couldn't loose my dad, genuinely I couldn't, I don't know what I'm going to do without him, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry, but it really scared me, mom he shouldn't have been that pale, that wasn't normal" I said as mom wiped my tears away "Hey Vickie? Could you grab me a glass of water please" Dad called in "Yeah I'll be in now" mom answered and she poured out a cup of water and brought it in to him "You should get some rest, why don't you go upstairs?" Mom asked dad "Yeah, I'll go up now" dad said as he stood up, I walked in and wrapped his arm around me and I helped him walk upstairs "Call me if you need me alright?" I asked him and he nodded "Sasha, before you leave, we're you crying?" He asked and I nodded "Why?" He asked "I don't want to make you feel bad but, you scared me today, dad you looked so pale like Casper the ghost, my mind was running and I was thinking, I wouldn't know what to do with my life if you die because of all the stress you're putting on yourself, I can't live without you, I really can't, and I know how stubborn you are and I thought you weren't gonna listen to mom and I when we tell you to take it easy on yourself" I ranted "Come here" he said and patted the place beside him on the bed, I got in beside him and he hugged me and we stayed like that and we ended up falling asleep.

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