Seven years later

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I've been watching WWE since I took a break, Demi and I are still best friends, Dominik and I have gotten closer, we go out every Saturday for food, he also joined the Judgement day, Stephanie reached out to me asking if I'm willing to come back on Monday for Raw to confront the Judgement day so I agreed "Hey Sasha? You know you don't have to go back to work if you're not ready, right?" Mom asked "I'll be fine mom, therapy helped, a lot, so thank you" I said "Why are you thanking me?" She asked "Because you got me up and out of bed when I didn't want to, you pushed me, so that's why I'm thanking you, ever, since dad.. uh, I've been having flashbacks, to things I don't want to remember, but therapy has helped, I feel like we've gotten a lot closer, since uh, you know, but I feel better, I have my way to cope with the pain, you should come with me, you can stay backstage" I suggested "Alright, I'll go" she said and I smiled, she kissed the top of my head and she walked into the kitchen.

I'm in therapy now like right now, "Hey, Ashley?" I asked "Yeah?" She asked "Do I really have PTSD?" I questioned "Well, you done a test and the results came back positive, so, yeah, you get flashbacks, and it feels like you're back in that moment, and something triggers it to happen, like you told me you're mom was getting a bath the other day, and you said you heard the water splashing just like that moment, so anything can trigger it, whether it's noises you heard that morning and you hear similar noises like the whole water situation, and a certain smell might make you think of that morning or a thought you were having during that moment, if you rethink that same thought it can trigger you PTSD" Ashley, my therapist, told me.

Today is Monday, no body knows that I'm coming back, not even Demi, I want to surprise her, only Stephanie, Vince and Hunter know that I'm returning.

This is what I'm wearing:

(She does have blue hair now)

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(She does have blue hair now)

The Judgement Day are out in the ring, Dominik is speaking "I'm this generation's Eddie Guerrero" my music played, I heard Renee and Michael Cole speaking from the Tv back stage, I grabbed a microphone then I walked out, Stephanie never told me Dom would be talking about my dad so I walked out with a glum look on my face, my music stopped and I spoke up "Its been awhile huh?" I asked and the crowd went nuts "Now Dominik, Rhea, Finn and Damien, I know it's a little bit of a shock that I'm out here, and Dominik, you're wrong about you're little, statement, I'm this Generation's Eddie Guerrero, after all, I am his daughter, and I do share the same blood as him" I told him "You guys don't look happy to see me out here, is because, you knew I ran this women's division before I left Rhea? Is it because I have Guerrero blood Dominik? Is it because my dad was a villain on Tv but everyone loved him even if they booed him Finn? Or, or, correct me if I'm wrong, is it because, my dad has never been pulled over by the police, for a DUI Damien?" I asked, Damien looked angry but I knew he wouldn't do anything, I climbed into the ring and stood at the ropes "Damien you can wipe that look off your face because you and I both know you won't hurt me, neither will Rhea, because believe it or not we're best friends" I said and Rhea smiled at me "Okay if you two are best friends then why did you insult her?" Damien asked "Oh I didn't insult her, Rhea do you feel insulted?" I asked and she shook her head "See, she knows I'm just speaking the truth, but you three, can't except that can you?" I asked but I got no answer "Hey Sasha, you know, I guess time does fly for your dad, especially when he's dea.." Finn didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence before I leaped on to him, I punched him in the face, I slapped him, I kicked him in the face, I grabbed his arm and twisted it as hard as I could and I repeatedly stomped on it and he screamed each time in agony, I'm pretty convinced I just broke his arm, but he should've thought about what he was going to say before he said it, I kept stomping on his arm repeatedly until someone dragged me away from him, now that triggered my PTSD because when I was tryna, help my dad I got pulled away by someone grabbing me around my waist, tears started rolling down my face "Don't you ever go there" I screamed, I was trying my hardest to get out of the persons grip but their arms tightened just like whoever pulled me out of the room that morning, I started to panic, "Let go of me god damnit" I screamed and they let go of me, I turned around to see Dominik was the one that was holding me, I looked at him in disbelief, I rolled out of the ring and I walked backstage and found my mom, she wrapped me in a hug and I cried, "I don't think I'm ready just yet" I told her and she just patted my back in a soothing way.

"Demi, I just freaked out, I have PTSD, you know why, and when he grabbed me around the waist it triggered it, because that morning when I was tryna help, someone grabbed me around my waist and they took me out of the room, it freaked me out, and he knows this because I told him but he still grabbed me there, I told him, I told him to never grab me around my waist because I don't want to find out if that's a trigger but he did anyway" I told her through the phone "I get where you're coming from, I do, and I'll talk to him tomorrow when we arrive at the arena, and he will apologize because if he doesn't I'll make him, I'll force him" Demi said and I laughed "Alright, I have to go now, I'm getting tired" I said, we said our goodbyes and I hung up, there's two beds in this hotel room and funnily enough this is my first time in five years ever sleeping in a hotel room, "Hey, mom, can you sleep here with me?" I asked her "Of course honey" she said and she got in beside me and I hugged her "I don't ever want to loose you, I always said I wouldn't ever know what to do with my life if he wasn't here, but all those times you forced me out of the bed and helped me to do something productive, I realized I had you, and I don't know who's gonna get me out of bed when I loose you" I told her "Oh Sasha... you'll have someone, maybe it'll be you're boyfriend, or you're best friend, trust me, you'll have someone, I had someone, and believe it or not but it was actually Stephanie McMahon" she told me "Really?" I asked "Yeah, yeah, she would always come around whenever she could and we'd talk, this was a good few days after, you know, and she would always come over, she would get me out of bed and she would bring me downstairs and we would sit out in the back porch enjoying the air" Mom explained "How come she never done that with me?" I asked "Because she told me that I had to do that, I asked to go get you but she said, and I quote 'It has to be her own mother that helps her to be productive, right now I'm just her former boss, but her permanent boss is you' and I took her advice, I booked you in for therapy and I started bringing you out on walks and now look at you, you're being really productive" she answered "Thank you" she said "You don't need to thank me" she replied and I nodded and we fell asleep shortly after.

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