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So as you already may know Dominik and I don't get a long but I always knew deep down I have a soft spot for him, only when we're alone, but when everyone else is with us we turn back into the two people that dislike each other, just thought I should let you all know so your not confused.

"Hey are you alright?" Dominik asked me as I sat next to him on a equipment box, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him "Well for starters, the stuff going on with your dad, and him going out to the ring the other night, you looked panicked" he said "Well yeah, obviously I was panicking, my dad had a heart attack in the ring because he was putting too much stress on his body, and then him going back out to the ring during my match made it worse" I told him, "I know it doesn't always seem like it, but I really am here for you if you need someone to talk too, I know you have Rhea, Damien and Finn, but I'm always here too, and I feel like I tell you this but you never take it into account that I wanna be there for you just as much as they do" Dom said and I smiled faintly at him "I know, but we're not close to each other the way me and Rhea are, I'd feel like I'm bothering you" I explained "Nothing you could do would bother me, believe me, I may be a hot head, but you're just.... Different" he told me and I smiled "How so?" I asked "Well, you don't care what anyone thinks of you, you're definitely not afraid to speak your mind, and I like that about you" he explained to me and I nodded in understanding "Are you flirting?" I asked jokingly "Would it be a bad thing if I was?" He asked, I stopped laughing and I looked at him "So you are?" I asked and he nodded, my eyes widened from shock "I know you don't like me back so I'm cool with just being friends" he spoke "Dominik, what about your girlfriend?" I asked him "We broke up three, maybe four months ago" he replied and my mouth dropped "Really? Why didn't you tell us?" I asked him and he shrugged "Didn't think it would be important" he responded "Of course it would've been important, Dom you were with her since you were like fourteen" I said to him and he nodded "It's odd you still remember that" he told me "How could I forget? Dad brought me to your house because he and Rey wanted to talk, so I went up to your room and you were sitting on your bed with her next to you" I explained, "the truth behind that, and why I asked her out, is because......I.. I actually.. uhm, I wanted to make you....Jealous" he stuttered "Me? Why? What did I do to you?" I asked him "Well, remember that time when, every time you'd come to my house with your dad, you would tease me for not having a girlfriend, and I thought you were flirting, I don't know why I thought that, but then you told me you had a boyfriend, that made me jealous and I thought you knew what you were doing by rubbing the fact that you have a boyfriend in my face so I wanted to get payback, then love just walked in the door and then love walked back out of the door and now we're here" Dominik said "Okay that's fucked up, you thinking I was tryna make you jealous? Please, why would I want to make you jealous? That's fucked up, I can't believe you thought so low of me" I said and walked away "Sasha, no wait, that's not what I meant" he called out but I ignored him.

I have no segments or matches so I'm backstage with my dad, this is my outfit:

I have no segments or matches so I'm backstage with my dad, this is my outfit:

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(Let's just pretend that's not blue hair it's purple)

"Sasha can I talk to you?" I heard Dominik's voice ask "I'm busy" I replied without looking at him "Please?" He asked "What do you want to talk to her about?" Dad asked "Uh, well, we had a conversation yesterday and it was a misunderstanding" Dominik explained "Dad can you get rid of him please?" I asked "You heard her buddy, look, you're a nice man, but if Sasha don't want you around her, then you fucked up" Dad said which made me smile, Dom huffed and walked away "Do you wanna tell me what that was all about?" Dad asked so I told him everything and he told me I was probably overreacting, I tend to get a bit too angry when someone says something about me that isn't true at all, so that's why I was overreacting.

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