Its too much for you

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Today I have a match against Bayley, it's a normal match not a title match, this is what I'm wearing:

Today I have a match against Bayley, it's a normal match not a title match, this is what I'm wearing:

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(The title is around her waist)

When I got to the ring I done my little dance, I raised my hand, I grabbed into the middle rope and leaned out to show the camera my ring:

When I got to the ring I done my little dance, I raised  my hand, I grabbed into the middle rope and leaned out to show the camera my ring:

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And I got into the ring (Just to clarify she's wearing the attire in the first gif!)

Bayley then made her way out, she done her entrance then the match started.

It's around, half way through the match, it's not looking too good for me, Bayley pinned me but she got distracted by music I know all to well, it's my dad, I specifically told him to stay away from the ring tonight, but he doesn't listen to me so that's sad, it's sad because it's way to much stress on him and his body, but he'd rather not listen to me, mom or the doctors, Bayley looked at me and then looked back to my dad "I don't know anything about this, he shouldn't be out here" I told Bayley, "Ref don't count, she needs to sort it out" Bayley told the ref, I rolled out of the ring and walked over to my dad and he had a smile on his face "Why are you out here?" I asked him "I wanted to help" he replied "Dad I'm not being rude, I love you but the only way you can help me, is if you stay away from the ring, you could've sent Rhea out, or Finn, or Damien?" I asked "I wanted to be out here" he told me "Dad you know you can't be out here, it's way too much stress for you and your body" I reminded him "So? I'm not fighting am I?" He asked and I shook my head at him "papá vuelve adentro" (Dad go back inside) "Mija, I want to help you, why are you getting defensive?" He asked in Spanish "Because I don't want you to put any more stress on yourself, you may not realize it but you're putting stress on yourself by standing out here, please go back inside" I explained, I hugged him and he walked back up the ramp and he walked backstage.

I lost the match, and I don't know if it was because I was worried about my dad, I couldn't stop thinking about that moment, I thought we lost him, and losing my dad, I don't know what I'd do, I don't even want to think about losing him.

I'm sitting in my locker room and I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I shouted loud enough for the person to hear me, the door opened and in walked my dad, he sat down beside me, "I'm sorry if you think I'm the reason you lost your match" he spoke after a few moments of silence, "Are you out of your mind? Why would I blame you for my loss?" I asked him "Well, I wouldn't necessarily blame you for blaming me, after all I distracted my own daughter, not her opponent" he replied "Dad, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side, I mean, you could do the worst thing in life and I'd be by your side through all of it, I'm always gonna be your little girl" I reassured him and he smiled, "And I'm always gonna do right by you, so from now on, until I heal properly, I'll stay away from the ring, but on one condition" he said and I smiled "And that is?" I asked "I'm allowed to come to work, I'll stay backstage like always, but if a man does come out and distract you for who ever, I'm going out, so is Finn and Damien... and Rhea too if she wants" he laughed at the end of his sentence which made me laugh, "I love you dad" I told him, "I love you too Mija" he said and we hugged.

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