Shut up, you do not tell that story, that is not you're story.

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Today, I'm going to interrupt The Judgement Day, because shit turned real between me and Finn, he hasn't apologized and I'm not gonna apologize for breaking his arm, this is my ring gear for tonight:

The Judgment Day are now in the ring and Finn is calling me out, my music played, I walked out with a microphone in hand, I walked until I got to the end of the ramp then I stopped "Um, Finn, you got a big blue thing on your arm there

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The Judgment Day are now in the ring and Finn is calling me out, my music played, I walked out with a microphone in hand, I walked until I got to the end of the ramp then I stopped "Um, Finn, you got a big blue thing on your arm there.. oh damn, is that because of me? Is it? Because I will gladly break your other arm" I said as I climbed on to the apron and I got into the ring, "Sasha you better watch your mouth because I am not in the mood for you right now" Finn said which made no sense "Jeez did I hit your head a little too hard? Finn you literally called me out, you, called me out, so you should've thought about what mood you're in, before you called me out" I said and he looked at me with anger in his eyes, "Who wants to know the story of that morning huh?" Finn asked and I looked at him with genuine shock on my face "Finn, don't you think you're going a little too far?" Rhea asked "No, not at all, Sasha is a big girl I'm sure she can handle it...She woke up to banging on her door, she opened it and the producers of total divas told her, her dad didn't respond to his wake up call, they asked if she had a spare key for his room, to which she did, she went in, she searched everywhere for him, until... she looked in the bathroom, she saw her..." Finn Said but I interrupted him "Shut up, you do not tell that story, that is not your story, it was not your dad, it was my dad, you shut your mouth, you shut up you stupid ignorant monster, bitch, you do not ever tell that story, if you tell that story to anyone else I will kill you with my bare hands" I said as Rhea held into me, I was crying and I had the microphone to my face so the audience could hear me "That is not your story to tell" I said as tears rolled down my face:

(Skip to 1:14 and watch until 1:35, just to hear the emotion and how she's saying it and let's pretend Amelia is Sasha, Ryan is Rhea because he's holding Amelia back, Addison is Finn, and the rest are Damien and Dominik)

Rhea just hugged me, "Rhea I thought you were apart of The Judgement Day?" Finn asked "I am" she said "Then why are you still hugging her? walk away from her" Finn demanded but Rhea didn't let go of me "There's a difference between being a villain on Tv and being yourself on Tv to make sure you're best friend is okay, you crossed the line Finn, and that's not okay, was you saying that even apart of the script?" Rhea asked and Finn looked guilty, he looked at me as I was still crying "Sasha, Sasha I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I brought up the topic you hate talking about, I don't know what got in to me, I'm sorry" Finn tried to apologize, I pulled away from Rhea, I walked over to him, "You're a dick" I said and punched him in the face, he fell back "I want a match against you, I don't care if I'm a girl, we're having a match against each other at Hell In A Cell, and it's gonna be in the Cell itself, and it's obviously going to be a no DQ match, oh and you're buddies are gonna be barred from ringside, and if they come out during the match I will have you all suspended" I said and looked at everyone standing in the ring "Sasha, you're not thinking about this" Rhea told me and I shrugged "I am going to make his life, a living, hell, he has been nothing but rude to me ever since I returned, all of you guys think this is apart of the script, it isn't" I told the WWE Universe and the gasped, I turned back to Finn and seen blood trickle down his nose, I threw the microphone at him with all the strength I have, I then rolled out of the ring and walked backstage.

"Mom I don't care if I get hurt in the cell, I don't know what it is with him having a problem with me lately, he's not going with the script anymore, he's just going out and saying whatever he pleases, and I'm not gonna tolerate it, he thinks I'm just this small dependent women, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve, and he's not going to like it" I told my mom as we walked to my locker room, "Sweetie... look, I know you're angry with him right now, believe me, I know, but if you keep letting what he says get to you, you're gonna be walking into that match blinded with anger, and you're gonna let that anger get to you and you're not going to be thinking straight" Mom reasoned with me "Mom, I love you, I really do, but there's no changing my mind on this, I made my decision, the match was approved it's happening, Stephanie said after I get my match with him he's going to be suspended for what he said, Steph was a good friend of dad's, she told me that, her and Hunter didn't approve of what Finn was saying, apparently he got warnings the first few times, but he didn't listen" I explained and I sat next to her "I know, you're stubborn, and I'm not trying to stop you from fighting him, I just need the reassurance that you're going to have backup if something happens" Mom told me "Oh, believe me, I'll have backup" I told her.

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