Singles match

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Today I have a singles match against Ronda, it's for my Raw women's championship, and I'm not letting her walk out with a victory tonight, this is my ring gear:

Today I have a singles match against Ronda, it's for my Raw women's championship, and I'm not letting her walk out with a victory tonight, this is my ring gear:

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(Don't come at me😭 it's the only pick I could find)
Dad and Rhea are gonna be ringside for me.

I have Ronda in an arm bar but she managed to get to the ropes so I had to break away from her "You're not the only why can put someone in an arm bar at any time" I mocked her, she looked at me with anger in her eyes, she stood up and ran at me but I rolled out of her way and she ran straight into the ropes, I laughed and pointed my finger at her, she turned around "Alright, you asked for it" she screamed, she ran at me but I backed myself into the turnbuckles, I put my head under the top rope so Ronda was forced to move away from me.

Rhea slid a steel chair into the ring and dad was distracting the ref, Ronda just got to her feet, I seen the ref turning around to face me so I banged the chair on the canvas to make noise, I passed the chair to Ronda and she caught it, the ref turned around fully and seen Ronda with the chair "Hey did you hit her with that chair?" The ref asked "What no, no" Ronda relied, the ref had his back to me as he was talking to Ronda, I rolled onto my side and waved at Ronda "Look she's waving" Ronda told the ref and I rolled back onto my back and stayed like that, Ronda was not looking my direction so I snuck up behind her and rolled her into a pin and I won the match, I rolled out of the ring and hugged my dad and then I hugged Rhea who was holding my title.

It's been a few weeks, dad has been complaining about a weird pain in his chest, myself and mom are telling him to keep it easy while he's in the ring but he won't listen.

Anyways dad has a match today against Rey so I'm gonna be ringside for my dad and Dominik is gonna be ringside for his dad.

I'm wearing the gear I wore last time.

Dad just pulled the three amigos on Rey, he slapped his pecks and done his shimmy so I mimicked him and the fans booed, dad was acting weird, he was standing still, then he fell forward, the ref was tryna get his attention but dad wasn't responding, "Dad get up, dad, dad this isn't funny get up" I said from the apron, but he wouldn't respond, I rolled into the ring and sat on my knees next to him, "Dad" I said and shook him "Eddie, c'mon man this isn't funny" the ref said "Dad, dad you're scaring me, please get up" I begged him, his eyes locked with mine, "Dad, what're you doing?" I asked him "Is this a joke Sasha?" Rey asked, I looked at him and shook my head "It's not, I promise it's not" I told him, Rey bent down beside me and tried getting dads attention "Dad, please get up" I said, he was still staring at me, I stood up and crossed my arms into an 'X' sign, not even a second passed when medics ran down to the ring with a stretcher and supplies with them, "Dad if you're pulling some sick joke, there's medics on their way so don't waste their time" I said, his body started jerking, the medic was shinning a light in his eyes to see if his eyes were dilated, "What's wrong with him?" I asked but I got no answer, "Eddie if you can hear me, I'm gonna need you to squeeze Sasha's hand as hard as you can" the medic spoke, I put dads hand in mine and he didn't squeeze my hand, I'm starting to get worried, "Eddie you need to try your hardest, I know it's hard alright but you have to squeeze her hand" The medic told my dad, he looked lifeless, tears formed in my eyes but I didn't want them to fall, not out here, in front of billions of people, but my eyes overflowed so the tears dropped from my eyes and rolled down my face, "Dad please, don't do this, please" I begged, "You shouldn't be watching this" Rey told me "I'm staying, I'm not leaving him, I can't" I replied as more tears fell down my face, "Sasha, I know you want to be here for him but you need to leave" Rey tried to reason with me but I didn't listen to him, the medics put him on the stretcher and they rolled him up the ramp and backstage, I was holding his hand the entire time, they wheeled him into the ambulance "Hey I'll meet you at the hospital" Rhea told me and I nodded.

"Mrs Guerrero?" A voice called out, mom and I looked to see the doctor walking in "He had a heart attack, he put too much stress on his body, I suggest he doesn't wrestle for a bit, for his body to heal he needs a break, he can't wrestle" the doctor told us, dad is asleep on the bed beside us, "He should wake up soon, do you want me to tell him the news or do you want to do it?" The doctor asked "uh, we, we'll do it" I stuttered eyes are puffy and red, we heard footsteps, I looked behind the doctor and seen Rhea, Finn and Damien walking in, "I'm so sorry" Rhea said as she embraced me in a hug, I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say, I pulled away and hugged Damien and Finn.

Dad started stirring until his eyes opened, mom and a jumped up "Hey, how're you feeling?" Mom asked "Like shit, what happened?" Dad asked "You, uh" I started but he cut across me, "We're you crying?" He asked and I nodded "You had a heart attack in the ring, and the doctors suggest that you let your body heal, from all the stress you're putting on it lately, so that means taking a break from wrestling" I told him and his eyes widened "Did I?" He asked, I nodded "Please tell me you weren't there" dad said "I wasn't just gonna leave you, Rey tried getting me out of the ring but I wouldn't listen to him" I told him "Mija, if there's a next time "papá, would you stay with me?" I asked him "Yes, obviously, you're my daughter" he replied "And you're my dad, so if there is a next time I'm staying with you like I done today" I told him.

(When they're talking Spanish/ Mexican then the writing will be italic just like this.

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