Oh my god

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Im laying in bed, my phone is charging on my desk, I'm just staring out the window.

I decided to get out of bed, I walked downstairs and walked into the living room and seen my mom "Hola mamá" I said in Spanish "I'm assuming you said hello?" She asked and I nodded my head, "What are you doing for dinner today?" I asked her "I was thinking that we could order something, I don't want to cook today" mom replied and I nodded "Alright, I'm gonna go on a walk, so I'll see you when I get back" I told mom "Alright honey, be safe, call me if you need anything" mom said, I gave her a nod then I left the house.

I just got back from an hours walk, I ate my dinner then I went upstairs, I went onto my computer and I listened to music while I cleaned my room.

I came across a photo of me and dad, he was hugging me from behind, he had his arms wrapped around my shoulders with my hands on his wrist, it had this little pink frame with blue butterflies on the top left corner, I smiled remembering the day.


I'm sitting with Charlotte on an equipment box, I'm not on Tv and neither is she so we're on instagram sending each other memes that we find funny, "Hello?" I asked as someone's hand covered my eyes "Boo" I heard my dad say "Papi how was the appointment?" I asked my dad "It went well Mija" he replied "That's good, why did they keep you in overnight?" I asked him "Just to run some tests, making sure everything is alright" dad told me and I nodded, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and under my chin, I rested my hand on his wrist "Okay stay like that" Charlotte told us as she stood up, she pulled out her phone and she took a picture of us "Send that to me" I said "Yeah of course" She replied.


I'm sat on my bed still staring at the photo, a single tear rolled down my face and landed on the photo "I am really emotional, god" I whispered to myself as I wiped the tears away from my eyes, I placed the photo on my bedside table, I stood up and continued to clean my room.

I laid down on my bed once I finally finished cleaning my bedroom, I picked up the build a bear mom got me for Christmas, I pressed it's paw and I heard dads voice "Hey Sasha, honey, sorry I couldn't be there, work is chaotic, but I promise I'll make it up to you honey, I'm flying home soon, I'll bring you back something nice to make it up to you, okay, Sasha I got to go now but I want you to know that I love you so much, I will always hold you very very close to my heart, I love you honey, bye" once the voice messaged stopped I hugged the teddy "I really wish you were here" I whispered then I fell asleep while hugging into the teddy.

I woke up the next morning, mom sent me a message telling me that she left early this morning to go do something and that was at seven this morning and it's currently nine fifteen right now, I heard the front door open and mom called me to come downstairs so I stood up and walked downstairs, she was holding something behind her back, it looks like a box? "What's that?" I asked curiously "Close your eyes" she said so I closed my eyes "Put your arms out" mom said so I put my arms out and she put the box in my hands "Okay open" she said so I opened my eyes and I looked Down at the box, it's a plain white box, I opened it cautiously and a head popped out "Mom you didn't" I said as I looked at her, take him out" mom said so I placed the box on the ground and I picked up the corgi and I hugged him "Mom, thank you" I said and she smiled "Oh my god" I said happily.

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