That was unexpected

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I'm at work sitting with Mike and Maryse in the cafeteria, "If Finn keeps bothering you, let me know, I'll talk to him" Mike told me "Thanks Mike, but he hasn't looked at me since He'll In A Cell, so I think I sorted him out, but I'll let you know if he comes near me" I said and he nodded with a smile.

"Hey, Sasha can I speak with you?" I heard a voice say, I looked up from my phone and seen Dominik standing there "Did Finn ask you to come apologize?" I asked "Has it got anything to do with Finn?" I asked "No" Dom answered "Okay then, what do you want to talk about?" I asked him "I don't know how to say this without being blunt about it but..." then I zoned out of the conversation, I couldn't help it, why am I only realizing that Dom looks so... cute? No, not the word I'm looking for, hot? Definitely "So what do you think?" Dominik asked and he snapped me out of my day dream "I'm sorry, I zoned can you repeat that?" I asked "Look, you're an attractive woman, you're independent and I like that, and I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date with me?" He asked, okay, now that was totally unexpected, I didn't expect that if I'm being honest, "Yeah, sure, why not" I told him and his face lit up like a little boys face on Christmas morning "Alright, how does Friday sound?" He asked "Sounds great, what time?" I asked "Seven, I'll pick you up?" He asked and I nodded "Yeah sure, sounds good" I said and he nodded "I'll see you on Friday" he said and we said goodbye then he left.

So today is Friday, Dominik told me that he would pick me up Seven, so I got a shower, I dried my hair, I picked out an outfit and this is it:

So today is Friday, Dominik told me that he would pick me up Seven, so I got a shower, I dried my hair, I picked out an outfit and this is it:

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With these heels:

I then done my makeup and straightened my hair and I got dressed then I walked downstairs and sat in the living room

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I then done my makeup and straightened my hair and I got dressed then I walked downstairs and sat in the living room.

I heard a beep outside, I looked out the window and seen Dominik in his car "Mom I'm leaving" I called out "Alright, be safe I love you" "Love you too" I said and left the house.

"You look amazing" Dominik complimented "Thank you" I replied with a smile.

Dominik brought me to a very fancy restaurant, he even booked a private room at the back for us to eat in peace.

"Okay, so we grew up together, right, but some thing have to of changed, like your favorite color was pink, is it still pink or is it a different color?" Dominik asked "Wow, you remembered that, well it changed to blue, as you can tell" I said and gestured to my hair and he laughed "I should've known" he said and I chuckled "Why did you ask me out tonight?" I asked him "Well, because, I... I like you, and I've told you that before but I never done anything about it, so this time, I plucked up the courage to ask you out" Dominik replied and I nodded my head with a smile.

The date went well, Dominik, believe it or not but he's a hopeless romantic.

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