Lets start this again shall we?

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I just got back from bringing my new dog on a walk, I haven't thought of a name for him yet, I gave him fresh water and gave him food then I walked upstairs and I watched tv.

I'm on my phone looking up dog names for my Corgi but I can't find any that I like, I put my phone down then I stood up and walked downstairs to see where the dog is and I found him in the living room with mom "You got a name for him yet?" Mom asked and I shook my head "Nope not yet" I told her "Maybe you should name him after your dad?" Mom suggested "Eddie?" I asked her and she nodded "Maybe, I'll think about it" I said and picked the corgi up "I'm going back upstairs to search up some names" I told mom then I left the living room, the doorbell rang so I walked over to the door and opened "What are you doing here?" I asked with a shocked and confused smile "I was wondering if you wanted to talk?" Dominik asked me "Yeah sure, come in" I said and moved out of the way so he could walk in.

Dominik and I are in my room now, he's sitting on my bed while I sit on my chair "What do you want to talk about?" I asked him "Sasha, there's no way to say this without being straightforward with it" Dominik told me and I nodded for him to continue "I feel like we haven't spoken since the date, that was awhile ago, I thought the date went well, but you never text me" Dominik explained "I am really sorry, I had this huge outburst the next day because it was my dads birthday and I've been trying to focus on myself, trying to figure out who I am again" I explained to him "That's fine, you don't have to explain, all you gotta do it tell me you're feeling like this and I will try my best to help you, I'll try my best to make you smile, to make you laugh" Dominik said "You're so cute" I said with a chuckle "I'm glad you said that" Dominik replied "Really? Why is that?" I asked him "It feels good to know a gorgeous woman like you thinks I'm cute" Dominik answered "I'll make it up to you alright? I feel bad for basically ghosting you since the date, I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention at all" I told Dominik "If you apologize one more time I'm gonna bodyslam you through your bed" Dominik warned with a laugh "I would love for you to do that" I replied with a smirk, I stood up and opened the door for the corgi to walk out of the room then I stood in front of Dominik, he's still sitting on my bed "You would?" Dominik asked with a smirk of his own "Yeah, I would" I told him, he grabbed my hips and flipped me so I'm laying on the bed with him on top of me "Let's start this again shall we?" I asked him "Us?" He asked and I nodded then he leaned down and I closed the gap.


Also I'm really sorry for how short this chapter is!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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